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battle of st vith map

Drive south-west out of town for about one mile and you will see what used to be Bleialf railway station. The locals have a knack of blending the new with the old, so that it is difficult to distinguish between the two. Hence the bunker line alongside of it. (John Jamele died May 25, 2011 with a memorial mass was held by Rev. More than 8,000 Americans were captured as German formations rampaged west, The German southern pincer, advancing from Bleialf against scattered American resistance, closes at nightfall on the Schnee Eifel Dec. 17. Stand in front of the shelter and look forward into the forest; you are viewing the area held by Company B. The 3rd Battalion, what was left of it, was pulled back up the trail to the top. Around 9:30 p.m., Clarke orders American forces to withdraw to the west. Generally, these plans were aimed at other parts of the front from the Ardennes where the Germans were building up. The Siege of Bastogne was an engagement in December 1944 between American and German forces at the Belgian town of Bastogne, as part of the larger Battle of the Bulge.The goal of the German offensive was the harbor at Antwerp.In order to reach it before the Allies could regroup and bring their superior air power to bear, German mechanized forces had to seize the … This marks the most extensive defeat suffered by American forces in the European Theater of Operations. These units come mainly from 7th and 9th Armored Divisions but include troops from 424th Regiment of 106th Division, and various supporting artillery, tank and tank-destroyer battalions. CHAPTER XII. Over the course of almost a week, 7th Armored Division – plus those elements of the 106th Infantry, 28th Infantry and 9th Armored Divisions – absorbed much of the weight of the German drive, throwing the German timetable into disarray before being forced to withdraw west of the Salm River Dec. 23. Like most towns in the Ardennes Forest, St. Vith lies in a bowl, surrounded by … Schnee Eifel. Rejoin your car. Straight on will take you to Sellerich and eventually Prum. Turn right onto the E42, marked Verviers, Spa, eventually St Vith will be reached. You can park by the side of the road and walk into the woods, either left or right, much evidence can be seen of the fighting that took place here between the 17 – 21 December. After the mass surrender the majority of American prisoners spent their first night in the ground of this Church, before being marched off deeper into Germany. There are the airports in Brussels, Luxembourg and Cologne, but it would mean hiring a car from there. Foxholes and debris of battle on Hill 504. TANKS OF THE 7TH ARMORED DIVISION in a temporary position near St. Vith. Monument to the 106th Infantry Division in St Vith. There is nothing dangerous lurking, apart from the odd wild boar, who can turn funny if disturbed or upset. The place is littered with the clover leaf shaped trays that once were containers for shells and powder charges, and the lifting eyes for the shells are in abundance everywhere. The German attack on St. Vith begins at 3 p.m. with a heavy artillery barrage. The History Guy examines a tank duel during the Battle of the Bulge at St. Vith, Belgium. By midnight he sets up the beginnings of a “horseshoe defense” of St. Vith, a line of units to the north, east and south of town. Devine is sent to a higher commander to make a “personal report.” With the appearance of German scouts on the hills east of town, Jones decides he has had enough. This track was used by the 423rd Regiment and 590th FAB on their way to attack Schonberg. Moving along the Schonberg road towards Heuern (81st Combat Engineers HQ) look out for a decorative wrought iron works on the right, immediately opposite there is a small road north, on the left hand side. Where the road (N595) does a large left hand loop there is a lay-by on the right. The town was virtually flattened in December 1944, little now exists of the original town buildings, although the road lay-out still remains the same. This area is the Prumerberg heights, scene of the desperate defence by Colonel Riggs and his Engineers. At Spineux (Wanne), in the centre of the village there is a monument dedicated to the men of the 424th Infantry Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division and also to the men of the 112th Regiment of the 28th Infantry Division. Its garrison wrote a brilliant chapter in history by denying the locality to the enemy; therefore, much of the comment pertaining to the Battle of the Bulge has centered around this important terrain feature. As can be seen by the map drawn by a member of the 2nd Infantry Division on the 15/11/44, we can take it that, because the 106th relieved the 2nd, man for man, the various headquarters, motor pools etc would have been in the same positions, only the code words would have changed. The Ardennes’ most populous cities are Verviers in Belgium and Charleville-Mézières in France, both exceeding 50,000 inhabitants. Although another battle in the overall Battle of the Bulge, the battle for Bastogne, is better known, Armor and Cavalry defensive actions at St. Vith helped break the back of Hitler’s Ardennes offensive. The Battle of St. Vith was an engagement in Belgium fought during the Allied advance from Paris to the Rhine in World War II. (U.S. Army CMH) If the offensive were to succeed, the road networks running through the Krinkelt Forest in Dietrich’s zone, and St. Vith and Bastogne in Manteuffel’s zone, had to be taken in the first days of the German attack. Also available: The Armor School’s publication, The Battle at St. Vith, Belgium Dec. 17-23, 1944. After they receive an order from Jones at 2:15 a.m. to break out to the west along the Bleialf-Schoenberg-St. Vith road (Jones told them to “clear the area of Germans in the process”), they begin the breakout at 10 a.m., with COL Charles Cavender leading the attack (commander, 423rd Infantry). The Germans capture Steinebruck (six miles east of St. Vith), with its bridge over the Our River. This is the southern end of the Losheim Gap. As LTG Troy H. Middleton assessed in the foreword to the Armor School’s publication The Battle at St. Vith, Belgium, “Two of the most important tactical localities on the 88-mile front held by the VIII Corps in the Ardennes Forest at the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge … were Bastogne and St. Vith. Supporting 14th are 820th Tank Destroyer Battalion, with 12 three-inch towed anti-tank guns, and 275th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, with 18 M7 Priest self-propelled howitzers. SEE REPORT PAGE 2 for After Action Reports of preparation and fighting of the entire 30th during the St. Vith Offensive of January, 1945. Battery B and C were to the right and just inside the tree line, Battery A was to the left and on the edge of a patch of woods just under half a mile away. As the German plan called for the capture of St. Vith by 6 p.m. Dec. 17, the prolonged action in and around it presented a major blow to their timetable. The 14th Cavalry Group, commanded by COL Mark Devine, moves into the area. Most of the Ardennes is in southeastern Wallonia, the southern and more rural part of Belgium. A little before 5:30 a.m., a selective German artillery bombardment begins to fall on 106th’s forward positions on the Schnee Eifel, moving gradually back to the division headquarters in St. Vith. LUXEMBOURG TOURS This road was called ‘Skyline Drive’ or ‘Skyline Boulevard’ by the Americans. In the town are a couple of small, but well stocked supermarkets, plus an excellent bakery and butchers. It is now being used by the school. The five 2-D maps are fine (strategic situation, German planned routes, initial attacks of 6th Panzer Army, destruction of the US 106th Division, and defense of St Vith) but the maps do not fully portray the US defense of the Elsenborn Ridge and even Peiper's route is difficult to follow with these maps. Ridgway is still willing to consider holding positions in the area, but interviews with commanders change his mind. Timeline of Battle of St. Vith. BG Bruce Clarke, leader of CCB 7th Armored Division, arrives at Jones’ headquarters in St. Vith in the morning with news that his command is on the road to St. Vith but will likely not arrive until later that afternoon due to its progress being snarled on the roads. This area is called Justenschlag. by Colonel R Ernest Dupuy, reprinted by The Battery Press, INC. by Richard W Peterson Ph.d (A member of the 106th Division) U.S. He is now buried in the American War Cemetery at Henri Chapelle. Here the 590th Field Artillery Battalion were in position, with Its firing batteries in the woods on the left of the road. The Germans also use radio-jamming stations that made wireless communications difficult. LTG Courtney Hodges, commander of First Army, and Middleton commit combat commands of 7th and 9th Armored Divisions to support the 106th Division’s defense. The German Ardennes-Alsace Campaign attack is thrown in force at U.S. 106th Infantry Division. Carry on to Andler. Or, carry straight on looking out for a sign for Bleialf. Here the 590th Field Artillery Battalion were in position, with Its firing batteries in the woods on the left of the road. One is at La Gleize, the furthest point Kampfgruppe Peiper reached in the attack. Its aggressive defense measures completely disrupted the enemy’s plan in the St. Vith sector.” The same publication, in its introduction, stated, “The stand at St. Vith has been recognized by both German and Allied commanders as a turning point in the Battle of the Bulge.” ARMOR magazine brings you the good, bad and ugly regarding the Battle for St. Vith and the on-scene leadership that made the difference in the battle. Left is ‘Skyline Drive’, right and down the hill is Bleialf. The Battle of St. Vith, which began Dec. 16, 1944, was part of the Battle of the Bulge. The headquarters group also brings with it a second cavalry squadron (18th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron) to screen the Losheim Gap, which is on 106th Division’s left flank. Remains of the couduroy road can still be seen in places. Viewing south from this point, you will see where the main effort of the German attack came from, in their final onslaught to take Bleialf on 17 December. In Auw turn left again by the Church. Editor’s note: The U.S. Army marks the 70th anniversary of the Battle of St. Vith in mid-December 2014. It became known as ‘Little Verdun’, because it was captured and retaken so many times during the conflict. This road leads through the dense forest, eventually conning out at the village of Meyerode. St. Vith was largely destroyed during the ground battle and subsequent air attack. About 500 yards up this road is a small monument on the left, tucked into the trees. The next hamlet along ‘Skyline Drive’ is Radscheid. The 106th Infantry Division’s 422nd and 423rd Infantry Regiments are encircled and cut off from the rest of the division by a junction of enemy forces near Schoenberg. It is a simple, inscribed cross, the monument was erected by the people of Meyerode in honour of Lieutenant Eric Fisher Wood of the 589th Field Artillery Battalion. Munitions are still lying about and are very dangerous, be careful what you pick-up. Quite a pleasing site after scrambling around the rugged terrain. Typical of the sort of rusting artifacts to be discovered throughout the area of the Battle of the Bulge. At 4 p.m., this surrender is formalized, and the two regiments of 106th Division and all their supporting units, some 7,000 men, become prisoners of the German army. Proceed up this road, first left will take you to Schlausenbach; Descheneaux of the 422nd had his headquarters in the Inn here. Though Armor was not designed primarily for the role of the defensive, the operation of CCB was nevertheless a good example of how it can assume such [a] role in an emergency. Ernest Hemingway also was here. They subsequently liberated this local area in January 1945. First published on Warfare History Network, the article “The Battle of the Bulge: Avenging St. Vith” by our historian Kevin M. Hymel, recounts one of the critical battles fought during the Battle of the Bulge in the winter of 1944. During summer, needless to say, everywhere dries out, so fire is a big risk. U.S. forces are able to outrun the panzers and join forces with XVIII Airborne Corps. It is where Cavender gave the orders to attack Schonberg and was immediately hit by an artillery bombardment. Finally, a unique resource is the 1965 “Big Picture” documentaries St Vith Parts I and II found on YouTube. The people are very friendly on both sides of the border, each village no matter how small, seems to have a bar. Village strongpoints set up by the U.S. cavalry groups, plus sustained artillery fire from VIII Corps reserve units and 106th Division units, deny German units the roads. This was an average Belgian town, with a population of a little over 2,000 and sufficient billets to house a division headquarters. Some further good reading on the subject: A Time for Trumpets by Charles B MacDonald. These two regiments survived the initial onslaught in December, and joined together to form a Combat Team which went on to push the Germans back. Above all try and cast your mind back to that terrible December in 1944 and give your respect to those brave soldiers of both sides. Map of St Vith drawn 15 November 1944. He had a meal in the cafe/bar opposite (Cafe Zwicker). Both St Vith and Prum have railway stations, the line to Bleialf is now closed. He was with Officers, members of this Division, his favourite, whom he tagged along with. A brass plate on the stone has an inscription to the men of the 106th and says, ‘Dedicated to the Men of the 106th Infantry Division who fought and died for their country 1944–45.’. And St. Vith was the only place along the entire front where a railroad line crossed from Germany into the battle area. The defenders’ battleground is the Ardennes. The 106th Infantry Division took over position for position. Before dawn on Dec. 16, a German artillery bombardment preceded a powerful attack along a 40-mile front that overran the U.S. 106th and 28th Infantry Divisions. Village of Bleialf where the heaviest fighting in the St Vith sector took place – then and now. The famous American author Kurt Vonnegut was one such prisoner that passed through here. Parts of 106th are deployed east, with most of its force isolated on the Schnee Eifel. Cross the stream and head off up the hill. The aid station was in scrub undergrowth just across the stream. This was the sight of Divisional Headquarters. At the very sharp bend half way up the hill is a trail on the left. This goes for the entire battleground. A Miracle at St Vith After leaving Easton, Pennsylvania for basic training at Fort Eustus Virginia, I was sent to England with the 1st Army, 634th AAA Battalion. St. Vith sector. In the centre is the Church, it was around this, that there was particularly vicious fighting those first few days. This movement coincides with a southern advance around the right flank of the Schnee Eifel through Bleialaf to Schoenberg, surrounding U.S. positions on the Schnee Eifel ridge. The large hill on the left, covered in trees, is the famous Hill 504. They ranged from Ber… In mid 1995 a new memorial was erected in front of the old. You are now in the thick of it, as they say. Hastily dug foxholes and the remains of a 50 calibre ammunition box near the Ihrenbach Stream. The place is littered with the clover leaf shaped trays that once were containers for shells and powder charges, and the lifting eyes for the shells are in abundance everywhere. It is featured as a map for Battlefield 1942. The region is typified by steep-sided valleys carved by swift-flowing rivers, the most prominent of which is the Meuse River. They were successful in holding up the 2nd SS Panzer Division and 560th Volksgrenadiers Division long enough to enable the 82nd Airborne to get into position. + Add to calendar 2020-12-16 11:00:00 AM 2020-12-16 12:00:00 PM America/Mexico_City 945 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70130 Lunchbox Lecture: "The Battle of St. Vith" by Mike Alexander During this Lunchbox Lecture, Mike Alexander will discuss how an unlikely collection of combat units delayed both the 5th and 6th Panzer Armies from a complete breakthrough in the … He is aware Montgomery has already decided to withdraw from the St. Vith area. On 22 December 1964, at a press conference in Watertown, New York, The author, Michael Tolhurst, with his two sons Stuart and Stevie in 1992 on the border bridge over the River Our, which marks the boundary between Belgium and Germany. Attacking after dark at 5 p.m., the tanks fire star shells into American positions, blinding the defenders, and follow up with armor-piercing shells, destroying American defending vehicles. This main tarmac road was not there during the war, but the unimproved trail to the left was then the main access. The Germans then advance to the critical bridge at Steinebruck and past it, but are thrown back by a CCB 9th Armored Division counterattack. St. Vith represented the right flank in the advance of the German offensive, which intended a pincer movement on U.S. forces through the Losheim Gap and toward the ultimate objective of Antwerp. United States located in the town for their own usage. Follow the road across the bridge of the Ihrenbach stream – it starts to climb again. Return to ‘Skyline Drive’, turn left into the village of Radscheid, Oberlascheid, Halenfeld and Buchet, where Cavender had his headquarters. Therefore St. Vith was a “must capture” by the German LXVI Corps and its 5th and 6th Panzer armies. This fact has caused many to lose sight of the importance of St. Vith and the gallant stand made for its defense by elements of corps troops, by remnants of 106th Division and by [Combat Command B (CCB)] of 7th Armored Division. When the local priest emerged after the initial battle bodies were strewn everywhere, both American and German. Digging or metal detecting is not encouraged, in fact it is forbidden. It is now a private house. MG Alan Jones, the 106th’s commander, sends reinforcements to Winterspelt and Schoenberg around noon. But once again, please be careful as there is still a lot of live ammunition kicking about. There are two really good museums that are worth a visit but are about an hour’s drive away. Clarke sees his first task as getting his command into St. Vith. This transforms them into isolated strongpoints guarding road intersections. Just before the large old custom house on the right, is a patch of woods, here was stationed Service Battery of the 589th FAB. If you, The next hamlet along ‘Skyline Drive’ is Radscheid. Or, you can stay in any of the numerous ‘Gasthaus’ or smaller hotels scattered around the area. Memorial to Lieutenant Eric Fisher Wood (see page 85). These defenders were led by U.S. 7th Armored Division and included 424th Infantry (106th U.S. Infantry Division), elements of 9th Armored Division’s CCB and 112th Infantry Regiment of U.S. 28th Infantry Division. The Battle of St. Vith, which began Dec. 16, 1944, was part of the Battle of the Bulge. OVERALL VIEW of the 117th St. Vith Offensive..Jan. 13th to 24th, 1945 Detailed map link found below: . In the centre is the Church, it was around this, that there was particularly vicious fighting those first few days. Most of the villages have been rebuilt since the war. The five 2-D maps are fine (strategic situation, German planned routes, initial attacks of 6th Panzer Army, destruction of the US 106th Division, and defense of St Vith) but the maps do not fully portray the US defense of the Elsenborn Ridge and even Peiper's route is difficult to follow with these maps. The Battle of St. Vith was part of the Battle of the Bulge, which began on December 16, 1944, and represented the r Arriving in Europe in late 1944, they were immediately, and with very little battle experience, thrust into battle at St Vith. This is because the area was fought over for quite a long time, and many units passed through during the conflict from September 1944 to the beginning of February 1945. Continuing through, you will come back out onto the main road between Bleialf and the Schnee Eifel. The American attack on Schoenberg launches at 10 a.m. as scheduled, but comes under German assault-gun and anti-aircraft gunfire from armored fighting vehicles on the ridge to their front and from German troops firing small-arms fire. The majority of these bunkers, not destroyed during the conflict, were finally blown by the French in 1949. Apparently he spent the entire time complaining because of the noise from a field artillery battalion firing from dug-in positions behind the bar. After a brief rest in January 1945, the Division returned to positions near St. Vith, attacked, and re-captured the town on 23 January 1945. Shells, bits of half-track found at the base of Lindscheid Hill. Monument to the 106th Infantry Division in St Vith. 1 Description 2 Conquest 2.1 Equipment 2.2 Bases 2.2.1 American Fuel Supply Depot 2.2.2 American Outpost (1) 2.2.3 St. Vith 2.2.4 American Outpost … By Dec. 23, as the Germans shattered their flanks, the defenders’ position became untenable, and U.S. troops were ordered to retreat west of the Salm River. This was the sight of Divisional Headquarters. The Germans capture the bridge at Schoenberg by 8:45 a.m., cutting off American artillery units attempting to withdraw west of the Our River. under way in the 7th Armored zone, Rodt was the junction point between CCA, still holding the division north flank, and CCB, raising a new line along the low hill chain that extended south of the village. Many of the characters in this article give their personal reflections of the battle there.) On the same day, the Germans were able to take St. Vith and Bastogne. It was one of several battles on December 16, 1944 constituting the opening of Germany's Ardennes counteroffensive (more commonly known as the Battle … The 1st and 2nd Battalions were here behind Hill 536 at daybreak on 19 December. A different group of scattered American soldiers numbering some 500 men surrender later, and by 8 a.m. Dec. 21, all organized resistance by U.S. forces in the Schnee Eifel pocket ends. Through these localities were the road nets that, if held, would disrupt the plan of any aggressor. The Germans overran this position at about 0930 on 19 December. December 21 st, 1944 – United States forces were able to re-take Stavelot, Belgium. It’s quite a walk! His body was found nearby. There are many hotels and guest houses in the larger towns of St Vith and Prum, both within easy reach of the battlefields. This whole area was jammed with vehicles from the regiment, unable to cross the boggy ground. St. Vith area and surroundings, Monschau-Habscheid Zone, December 15-19th, 1944. In other villages, the cavalry troops are forced to withdraw earlier in the day to avoid being surrounded and cut off. By nightfall both regiments had regrouped for a counterattack, covering three miles to the base of the ridge forming the east side of the Our River valley, and are prepared to attack and capture the bridge at Schoenberg at 10 a.m. the next day. Later as a prisoner of war he witnessed the destruction of Dresden by Allied bombers. Unless you visit the area in the depth of winter when there is two or three foot of snow on the ground and the temperature is well below freezing you cannot start to imagine how much the men suffered. When the local priest emerged after the initial battle bodies were strewn everywhere, both American and German. Soldier Memories about the Battle of the Bulge. This is a sketch map, not to scale, but the furthest German advance covers about five miles. Leaving the car here, by two solitary buildings one of which was the 590th headquarters, you can walk to the right, down a farm track, passing open fields, and into the woods. Opposing the Germans were units of U.S. VIII Corps. It was a difficult place to take, owing to the many fortifications, for it was an intregal part of the West Wall or Siegfried Line. German soldiers move past an abandoned U.S. armored vehicle during the early hours of the Battle of the Bulge. Jones had given the troops east of the Our River permission to withdraw at 9:45 a.m., but it was too late to organize an orderly withdrawal by that time. This double envelopment comes as a complete surprise to U.S. forces due to intelligence failures at First Army level. However, even in retreat, 7th Armored presented an imposing obstacle to a successful German advance. Come back into Bleialf and pass the Church on your left, follow the road out and round until you come to a cross roads at the foot of the Schnee Eifel. American forces are able to escape to the southwest, cross-country to villages such as Crombach, Beho, Bovigny and Vielsalm west of the Salm River. St. Vith, Belgium, and villages in the Ardennes. Be prepared to do a lot of walking over rough terrain, so dress accordingly. Devine directs the squadron to take up positions on a new defense line along the ridge running from Manderfeld to Andler, on the north side of the Our River. Just south-west of Laudesfeld a high hill will be observed, in this area on 19 December, approximately 500 men from all different units made a perimeter defence, and held on until finally surrendering on the morning of 21 December, 1944. Opposite the school is a bar, this was once Dietrich’s Headquarters for a time. The ground at Rodt, then, overlooked the flank and rear of CCB. troops in the St. Vith area from 17-23 December 1944. Turn left in Schonberg and the road starts to climb steeply. Where the road (N595) does a large left hand loop there is a, , all the woods on the left were held by the 106th, and attached VIII Corps Artillery units, you do not have to walk far anywhere along this road to find the evidence. He did not capture it until the night of 21 December and did not control the St. Vith area until 23 December when CCB withdrew on order. Holding St. Vith has become more of a liability to the Americans than an asset. Attacks from 1st SS Panzer Division have cut the Rodt-St. Vith road. Jones also controlled the 14th Cavalry Group, which occupied a line of strong points in the Losheim Gap, just 3 north of St. Vith, in th6 "gap" between V and VIII Corps. There is still much to see on the top of the hill, numerous foxholes and shell craters. Turn left in Schonberg and the road starts to climb steeply. Andler-Schonberg Road, viewed from Andler. In the centre of the ridge is the Schwarzer Mann, the highest spot around. All villages have at least one. This is the start of the famed Schnee Eifel. and head off up the hill. COL Charles Cavender of 423rd Regiment counterattacks, which retakes the village of Bleialf. The Battle of the Bulge was the name given to a major German counter-attack launched against US forces in Belgium. Large pits dug into the ground, which once were the emplacements for artillery pieces such as 155mm and 8 inch howitzers. Midway down the hill, you will pass from Belgium into Germany; there is a small (usually unmanned) customs post on your right. Lots of trenches and battlefield evidence can be seen here, from the fierce fighting here in 1944 . Show Larger Map Battle of the Bulge summary. Proceed south, all the woods on the left were held by the 106th, and attached VIII Corps Artillery units, you do not have to walk far anywhere along this road to find the evidence. You can get back on track by turning right in the village, and heading towards Wereth and Herresbach. Smoking in the forest is ‘Verboten’. St Vith, Lion in the Way by Colonel R Ernest Dupuy, reprinted by The Battery Press, INC, The Official Divisional History Last Assault by Charles Whiting, Leo Cooper, 1994, Healing the Child Warrior by Richard W Peterson Ph.d (A member of the 106th Division) U.S. Army in World War II The Ardennes, Battle of the Bulge by Hugh M. Cole, Deputy, Theater Historian, European Theater of Operations, U.S. Army. To get to this part of Europe it is best to drive. The logging trail used by 3rd Battalion 423rd Infantry Regiment. It is now a private house. Forces of 82nd Airborne Division make contact with 7th Armored Division, meeting the condition Hodges set for command of the St. Vith forces shifting to XVIII Airborne Corps under LTG Matthew Ridgway. Bastogne was an important communications center and was worth the gamble made for its defense. Great care must be taken when parking, not to block the trails, these are not in constant use, but farmers or loggers have a nasty habit of creeping up on you and get fed up if they cannot get by. Company L, 3rd Battalion, 423rd Infantry Regiment, came onto the Schonberg road at this point and met the captured Sherman tank, which opened fire on them (see page 108). St. Vith represented the right flank in the advance of the German offensive, which intended a pincer movement on U.S. forces through the Losheim Gap and toward the ultimate objective of Antwerp. It was in this area by the Ihrenbach Stream that vehicles of 423rd Infantry Regiment and the 590th Field Artillery Battalion finally ended up. It is where Cavender gave the orders to attack Schonberg and was immediately hit by an artillery bombardment. The building behind the flags was the original memorial which was built in the mid 50’s. The view John Kline had of Schonberg from his 30 cal machine gun position. This was cut through the woods and became the entrance to ‘Engineers Cut-Off’. It was down this stretch of road that the right-hand pincer arm of the 18th Volksgrenadier Regiment advanced on the 17th December. The Ardennes is otherwise relatively sparsely populated, with few of the cities exceeding 10,000 inhabitants – with a few exceptions like Eupen or Bastogne. A word of warning here. The five 2-D maps are fine (strategic situation, German planned routes, initial attacks of 6th Panzer Army, destruction of the US 106th Division, and defense of St Vith) but the maps do not fully portray the US defense of the Elsenborn Ridge and even Peiper's route is difficult to follow with these maps. On the eve of the battle, the 106th is covering a front of almost 26 miles.

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