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how big is coruscant compared to earth

As such, Coruscant became known as the galactic capital for thousands of years.[9]. Government The underworld, containing a vast population of the poor and criminal, was dark and violent. Tourism to the once-galactic capital all but vanished, and, for an individual to be safe, they needed to afford protection like droids and armed guards. Shortly afterwards, the Outer Rim Sieges resulted in the death of Separatist commander General Grievous on Utapau. And, Mile high skyscrapers that are as large as cities themselves. Earth is slightly smaller when measured between the North and South Poles which gives a diameter of 7,907 miles (12,725 kilometers). In 4 ABY, the Rebel Alliance managed to defeat the Empire in the penultimate Battle of Endor. [12] Even prior to the beginning of the war, changes could be seen in the Republic. Use the quiz below to find out! Serving as the capital of the galaxy since the ancient days of the old Galactic Republic, Coruscant was at the center of many historic events, such as the Jedi Order's conflict with the Sith. Human[24] (disputed but generally accepted)[3] Reply. Really, really big. Coruscant was an ecumenopolis—a city-covered planet—with a population of one trillion beings. Where they had once been quiet and solemn, they became filled with busy government workers and functionaries. Many animal species found on Earth appear or are referred to in the films and the Expanded Universe. It served as the main district for government buildings and institutions including the City Municipal Authorities Building and Galactic Courts of Justice. Points of interest Coruscant was one of the Republic's original Core World founders, and outmaneuvered its early rivals to become the economic and cultural engine of civilization as it expanded along newly chartered hyperspace routes. Entering with the 501st Legion, Vader and the clone troopers seized the Temple, killing all the Jedi and younglings inside and setting the monastery ablaze. But other sources tell me that they are mainly located in the Orion's Arm. originally appeared on Quora: the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights. During Palpatine's term, the Chancellor's office was decorated with red floors and walls as well as several statues. Coruscant's entertainment districts catered to everyone from the wealthy and powerful to the secretive and criminal. It was there they reconfigured a distress signal transmitting from the Temple to any surviving Jedi asking them to return (into a Sith trap), and learned the truth of Skywalker's fall and Palpatine's identity as the Dark Lord of the Sith. [Source]. [48], Despite being a part of the New Republic,[48] the planet actually fell under the control of criminal syndicates after the Empire's fall. The second was pressing a button on the outside of each cell. Inside each cell was a bed and bowls for water and food. Suns If all of this area was converted into Hong Kong, we would have a global population of 29 billion people. Within the book, RA-7 protocol droid DK-RA-43 described Coruscant's fall from grace into lawlessness as one of the greatest tragedies of their current era. [37], Towards the end of the war, the opinion of the public, as represented by the citizens of Coruscant, began to turn against the Jedi. Note: This quick calculation ignores all of the obvious environmental issues with scaling up the global human population to such massive levels, and says nothing about how we might achieve such huge increases in food production efficiency. [4] Furthering this class divide, citizens who lived in the upper levels were able to breathe air that was filtered and clean, while lower-class inhabitants were forced to breathe the air of toxic fumes from factory and vehicular waste. The Chancellor himself brought changes such as implementing the use of his personal Red Guards instead of the Senate Guards. Coruscant skylanes were diverted, and ISB crafts flew on patrol. [7] As a hustling, bustling planet-wide city with an underworld full of dark alleys and an abundance of people, Coruscant provided the ideal conditions for a sneak thief to prosper, especially targeting tourists from quieter planets. Fives fought back against the Red Guards and escaped the facility, though he was eventually located and killed by the Coruscant Guard. YOLO. Sectors were further divided into zones, with zones determined by purpose, such as financial, senatorial, or industrial zones. Earth vs Coruscant. [38], In the latter half of the war, the prison held Whorm Loathsom, Poggle the Lesser, and Wat Tambor. 0First of all, we need to let go of the idea that an alien life form's life cycle would correspond in any direct way to that of a human. By the time of the Battle of Jakku, Grand Vizier Mas Amedda was kept under house arrest by Counselor to the Empire Rax at the Imperial Palace. Coruscant system[2] [4] Monument Plaza housed the top of Coruscant's last remaining mountain peak. The other two points were the byzantine COMPNOR arcology, which contained the headquarters of the Imperial Security Bureau, and the new Naval Intelligence Agency headquarters, a near-windowless complex which formerly housed the Republic's strategic center. Core Worlds[1] Many commercial organizations pledged their droid military forces to the Confederacy, commonly called the Separatists. The cityscape of Coruscant changed as well. A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Luke vs. Emperor Palpatine - Rise to Evil. Primary language(s) All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. With both the Emperor and his apprentice dead, due to being killed during the destruction of the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, the citizens of Coruscant rejoiced, pulling down statues of Palpatine, overwhelming the stormtroopers on the streets, and setting off chimes and fireworks. Think about Earth. Compared to the poverty-stricken lower levels, Coruscant's surface was dominated by an affluent society. [61] With the formation of the Empire, the Coruscant Guard and Imperial stormtroopers took over the functions of the Senate Guard,[60] with stormtroopers directly responsible for security on the planet, alongside the civilian Coruscant police.[45]. 65% Upvoted . There's a comic where Supergirl finds a way to go to Apokalips without a boom tube, and she's the size of an insect compared to the inhabitants. Jupiter has a diameter of about 88,695 miles (142,800 kilometers) which is more than 11 times the diameter of Earth. Some sectors also had unofficial names. As the Galactic Civil War took shape, the Empire began moving its Mon Calamari population on Coruscant. The aggressiveness of the forced relocations caused rioting to erupt in the Old Market Sector, which was brutally put down by Imperial forces. [14] The structure remained standing on Coruscant throughout the Emperor's reign.[46]. Situations and events that were unthinkable centuries before became commonplace. Delegates would meet here during sessions of congress to discuss legislation and galactic policy. The diameter of the Sun is 1,392,000 km, while the equatorial diameter of the Earth is 12,756 km. Coruscant was one such world where an uprising took place as part of a galaxy-wide effort to overthrow the First Order. The Jedi Temple was part school, part monastery, and the home of the Jedi Order on Coruscant. Answer link. Within the Star Wars setting, these ships are regarded as the most powerful capital ships of the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars, serving double duty as battleships and starfighter carriers. [26] However, the New Republic did not establish its government on Coruscant, choosing instead to rotate the capital among the various member worlds. It has a diameter of 2,800,000,000 km. Galactic Basic[7]Thousands of others[7] Trade routes In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story the planet is briefly revisited via the dreams of Jyn Erso, featuring her childhood on Coruscant with her father Galen Erso and Orson Krennic. One of Coruscant's many sectors was a dilapidated industrial area known as CoCo Town. Palpatine confronted Fives in the facility, revealing his true nature. Among the rich and powerful of the planet were the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and members of the Galactic Senate. A large landing courtyard allowed for shuttles and starships to land. Retaining its status as galactic capital, it was on Coruscant where the Galactic Senate governed the galaxy for centuries, establishing an era of peace that lasted for almost a millennium under the protection of the Jedi peacekeepers. Some areas changed so quickly that they were not recognizable to those who had seen them only a few years before. Galactic City[1]CoCo Town[28] [1] 12,240 kilometers in diameter, Coruscant orbited relatively far from its small sun, varying from 207 to 251 million kilometers, and thus did not have a climate that suited any one particular species (although this inconvenience was rectified by technological means and the vast heat generated by the multi-level cityscape). Their home was the Jedi Temple. Native species Where Is There Still Room For Growth When It Comes To Content Creation? Coruscant (originally from Star Wars) is the big-city planet (ecumenopolis) and the capital of Galaxia. Amedda managed to persuade the child resistance fighters to help him escape so that he could end the Galactic Civil War. Coruscant was the seat of the Galactic Senate, making it home to thousands of senators from across the galaxy. Thunderstorms. 1: Coruscant Prime[3] share. Nonetheless, it was largely accepted that whoever controlled Coruscant—controlled the galaxy. [12] With the planet's near-galactic importance, many born on backwater worlds dreamed of arriving on the bustling planet to make it big, only to find themselves relegated to low-level positions and subjected to a life of crime and violence. In addition, the Empire ceded its own capital to the Republic, although Amedda was permitted to return to Coruscant as the head of a provisional government. Its labyrinth of bars, gambling rooms and sleeping quarters allowed for a wide variety of visitors and entertainment. Directly adjacent to the Senate Building was the Senate Office Building. Sector H-46 was unofficially named Sah'c Town. What Impact Is Technology Having On Today’s Workforce? Bureau of Ships and Services Heritage Museum[8]Federal District[4]500 Republica[1]Galactic Courts of Justice[4]Jedi Temple/Imperial Palace[13][14]Republic Center for Military Operations/Naval Intelligence headquarters[15][14]Senate Building[7]Senate Office Building/Imperial Executive Building[16]Grand Republic Medical Facility[4]Lower market districts[17]Monument Plaza[18]Museum of Multispecies Sciences[19]Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center[20]Republic Science and Technical Center[21]The Underworld[1]Uscru District[7]Galaxies Opera House[1]Outlander Club[4]The Works[1]Verity District[22]Hall of Imperial Register[22] While the spires of the Temple remained in place, the rest of the structure was heavily remodeled and expanded with sloping facades and block-shaped additions. Sunlight almost never reached the lower levels, which had to be artificially lit. Of this total, about 70% (773 km, Hong Kong has a population of 7.188 million. Could a planet like Coruscant exist? Climate The millions of forms of life. The facility provided treatment to patients from all over the galaxy and boasted cutting-edge techniques in surgery and biomechanical reconstruction. Explanation: I always find more interesting a visual type of comparison: where the Sun is the basketball and our Earth...the pea!!! Hoping to escape prosecution for war crimes, Amedda surrendered himself to the New Republic, which demanded that he surrender the entire Galactic Empire in return for amnesty. The note about "additional transients" can't be referring to several trillion more people. [66] Further down in the lower levels of the Uscru Entertainment District was a variety of establishments, most notably the Outlander Club. It was also here that Ahsoka Tano escaped when she was suspected of killing Letta Turmond. Rotation period 3% of the Earth's land area is currently used for human infrastructure. (Credit: WikiMedia) And Here’s a Black Hole Compared to Our Solar System. [4], In the ancient past, the Sith built a shrine on Coruscant. During the Galactic Civil War, the citizens of Coruscant celebrated the Emperor's death after a generation of Imperial rule. Following Rax's death and the destruction of his faction at the Battle of Jakku in 5 ABY, Amedda signed the Galactic Concordance—a peace treaty recognizing the Empire's capitulation and the end of the Galactic Civil War. [16], During the civil war that erupted after the Emperor's death, CoCo Town became an epicenter of the fight between rebel and Imperial forces. The club was situated in a less developed area of the district and did not garner as much attention from the police, a fact that worked in the club's favor. The heavy fortifications and benign front appealed to Palpatine, and towards the end of the Clone Wars, he began using the lower levels of the facility to store Sith artifacts and as a meditation area, access to which was prevented by the Red Guards. Coruscant was the capital of the Galactic Republic, and therefore, at the center of many galaxy-changing events. In comparison, Mount Everest is only 5.4 miles (8.8 km) above Earth's sea level. Outside of the complex was an airfield with Venator-class Star Destroyers, HAVw A6 Juggernauts, and other ships. Twenty years after its establishment, it was represented by Senator Arbo, a member of the Centrist faction and notorious war hawk, and junior senator Orris Madmund. The cells had two options for entering. To the side, another hallway led to Palpatine's inner private office.[25]. Moons Turmond was arrested and held at the Republic military base. From there they would spend their days either working in the Senate or hosting events such as parties and political meetings. Corusca sector[1]Coruscant subsector[1] It was around the 1870's when the earth had that low of a population. The citizens who lived here rarely if ever during their lifetime saw the surface of the planet. Snow. Coruscanti citizens, used to having the war fought far from the capitol, were just as surprised as the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet when a Separatist assault force launched a surprise attack on the planet. [7] As the capital of the Republic and the Empire to follow, members of senators and delegates of every represented planet had a residence on Coruscant. Atmosphere While airspeeders were used, they were a less common sight than on the surface levels. [4] Owing to the planet's prominence in terms of galactic affairs, Coruscant's Galactic City housed numerous governmental offices and inter-galactic headquarters in its winding depths. [47] Meanwhile, Coruscant dissolved into a true state of civil war, with some sectors entrenching themselves with Rebel resistance fighters, while other sectors actively fought against their neighbors and supported the Imperial forces. We can’t do your home work for you, but if you have a question about the Sun you can always ask the Sun|trek team . There, he was forced to make propaganda broadcasts and was treated like a virtual captive. Reply. 10 Facts of Earth size comparison to Universe. Temperate (artificial)[12] [13] In one of the spires sat the Jedi Council, led by the Grand Master of the Order, which directed the actions of the Jedi and served as advisers to the Senate and Chancellor. [26] Following the signing of the Imperial Instruments of Surrender and the Galactic Concordance on Chandrila, the Empire surrendered to the New Republic[26] and ceded Coruscant over to the fledgling galactic government[29] with Mas Amedda being permitted to form a provisional government on Coruscant, along with Republic observers to ensure that it remained powerless under a figurehead leader. I MAKE STAR WARS ORIGAMI!!! Buildings were stripped of their elegant Republic dressings in favor of sleek lines and block-like surfaces, and many smaller buildings became engulfed into larger buildings. Because of this, a derelict hangar in the neglected industrial zone was the site of clandestine meetings between Darth Sidious and Darth Tyranus during the Clone Wars.[1]. In terms of volume, the two planets are almost neck and neck, with Venus possessing 0.866 as much volume as Earth (928.45 billion cubic km compared to Earth’s 1083.21 billion). Coruscant's effective status as center of the Republic led to it being awarded the coordinates 0-0-0 on all standard navigation charts. [4] The planet's residents were known as the Coruscanti[14] and of the estimated one trillion inhabitants of the planet, 68% were believed to be human. In addition, Coruscant's strategic location at the end of several major trade routes enabled it to grow in power and influence, causing the city-planet to surpass its early rivals and become the hub of galactic culture, education, finance, fine arts, politics and technology. [21][56][40][37][34] In its last years, the Republic's Senate became corrupt, bloated, and ultimately ineffectual, though some continued to fight in the belief of its ability to govern. [47], In the ensuing months the New Republic was formed and re-established the Galactic Senate on Chandrila. Granite slug[23] Yes, 1.3 million of anything would be hard to work with so you can try to show how big the sun is compared to the earth. The underworld was a massive city beneath a city with hundreds of levels built on top of each other. Inside the tallest buildings, enormous differences of temperature and air pressure from top to bottom produced unusual and unpredictable microclimates. The Temple's spires remained intact though the rest of the Temple was heavily remodeled and expanded. "Drawing from the Present: Familiar Creatures in a Galaxy Far, Far Away," The Official Star WarsBlog Reply. Meanwhile, across the galaxy, various high-ranking officers fragmented the Imperial Military in a rush to succeed Palpatine as ruler of the Empire. Our history, including past civilizations and enormous monstrous dinosaurs. A comparison between the hypergiant, our sun and Earth’s orbit. [25] The Temple also held the famous Jedi Archives, which stored the largest collection of information on the galaxy[16] as well as a vault containing the valuable holocrons containing the Order's Force knowledge and secrets.[36]. The Senate Building was located within the heart of the dense Federal District. The building was heavily guarded and had defensive shields, an independent power supply and was armored to where it could withstand a siege. After the destruction of the planet Alderaan by the Death Star, rumors of what occurred began reaching the Alderaanian population on Coruscant, most of whom lived on Level 3204. The crowds, frightened, dispersed. [29] Coruscant joined as a member of the Republic and later on joined the Centrist Faction in the Galactic Senate. Sector [28] Many lived in the various housing blocks of the surface structures in relative comfort though not nearly as extravagant as the planet's wealthy and powerful. The entire Palace complex was watched over by the red-robed Imperial Royal Guard. [57] At the height of his power, Palpatine disbanded the Senate altogether and gave what little power they had left to the regional governors. 12,240 kilometers[4] Breathable[11] Grand Vizier Mas Amedda remained the planet's administrator and de-facto head of the Empire, but held no real power. [4] Jedi Knights Kenobi and Skywalker pursued bounty hunter Zam Wesell into the Uscru District after her attempted assassination of Senator Amidala. L-9[6] Demonym The Galaxies Opera House was located in the upper levels of the Uscru District. Region As these early hyperspace lanes became well-established trade routes, increasing numbers of alien species migrated towards Coruscant. Although the planet fell under Sith occupation for a time, Republic forces ultimately liberated Coruscant with the aid of the Jedi Knights. Orbital period Coruscant Shortly after the Confederate–Republic peace initiative, Coruscant's central power distribution grid was bombed by planetside Separatist agents. After emerging from hiding, Amedda contacted Chancellor Mothma to surrender. The entire planet is made up of towering, futuristic buildings, in which people get around on flying cars or through suction tubes. For several days, rioting continued until the combined efforts of the Coruscant Security Force and Imperial stormtroopers restored order by firing indiscriminately into the crowd. During the development of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, George Lucas officially adopted the name Coruscant for the planet, a name that was created by Timothy Zahn for his June 1991 Legends novel Heir to the Empire. © 2021 Forbes Media LLC. [38] Additionally, inside the compound was a military tribunal courtroom, in which the court decided the fate of dangerous criminals. [4] After Order 66 was prematurely activated in a few individual clone troopers,[62] the investigation brought Jedi Master Shaak Ti and Doctor Nala Se to the facility along with ARC Trooper Fives. If humans suddenly disappeared, what would happen to our planet? You may opt-out by. This means that Jupiter is so big that over 1,300 Earths could fit inside of it. Forests, mountains, bodies of water, and natural formations had been covered over. An exoplanet possessing some Earth-like properties, Kepler-452b, might make a good stand-in for Coruscant – the high-tech world seen in several Star Wars films whose surface is encased in a single, globe-spanning city. The ISB established a nominal blockade around the planet utilizing ISB spaceships and coordinated the efforts of present security forces and stormtroopers. Would originate from in the center of the Senate building was heavily remodeled and expanded his authority was ceremonial., about 70 % ( 773 km, while the equatorial diameter of the over. Tower built to serve as a treatment center, yet also a secret lair of so-called... Fierce guerrilla war consumed the entire Palace complex was an airfield with Venator-class Destroyer. The way around the equator ) is the big-city planet and the Senate chair or to debate the at. Flew on patrol the glittering world 's districts designed to continue the war and further his plans, was a! 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