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Unfortunately, on the 1st of May, an attack of apoplexy cut short the life of this pope, who seemed peculiarly adapted for the reformation of the Church. Dennis (1909); History of the Reformation in Germany, by S. of Austria; State of Germany after the Reformation, by Lady Duff Gordon (1853); Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg and History of Prussia during the 17th and 18th Centuries, by Sir Alexander and Lady Duff Gordon (1849); and History of the Popes during the 16th and 17th Centuries, by S. For a century of ter this the Modern Devotion flourished exceedingly, and its influence on the revival of religion in the Netherlands and north Germany in the 15th century was wide and deep. And in stimulating resistance to Syria he is. During the period under review, from the Reformation to the French Revolution, the old orders went on alongside of the new, and many notable revivals and congregations arose among them: the most noteworthy were the Capuchins among the Franciscans (1528); the Discalced Carmelites of St Teresa and St John of the Cross (1562); the Trappists (q.v.) Reformation definition: The reformation of something is the act or process of changing and improving it. 1106), as legate; like Urban and Gregory, he gave or confirmed monastic privileges without the protection he granted to the monks assuming a character of hostility towards the episcopate; and, finally, he gave an impulse to the reformation of the chapters, and, unlike Urban II., maintained the rights of the canons against the claims of the abbots. German Translation of “reformation” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. The materials thus obtained formed the basis of his historical and biographical works, which relate chiefly to the period of the Reformation. At the Reformation it was deprived of its status as a cathedral, and the building was used for some of the purposes of the courts of justice. The advent of the Reformation brought in critical methods, and the book was unjustly disparaged as a mere Christian forgery for nearly four centuries. A great friend of Erasmus, whom he invited to Cambridge, whilst earnestly working for a reformation of abuses, he had no sympathy with those who attacked doctrine; and he preached at Paul's Cross (12th of May 1521) at the burning of Luther's books. The Life of Philip Melanchthon Karl Friedrich Ledderhose In England, where an anxious multitude have been waiting for reformation in government for years, disappointment is destruction. Learn Ludwig. He still, to use his own words, hung his new exposition on to "the old doctrines, however much they at times pained me, rather than on to the purer and clearer"; for he hoped that the reformation of the Church would proceed quietly and from within. Sentence Examples. He's undergone something of a reformation - he's a changed man. Definition of reformation. They were intensely jealous of the princes, and it occurred to Hutten and Sickingen that the Reformation might be used to improve the condition of the knights and to effect a total change in the constitution of the Empire. In so far as he contended for a reformation of poetic diction he undertook a useful task: 15. Depreciation of the fathers was characteristic, not of the Anglican reformation, but of the 1 The editio princeps of Niceta's works was published by Dr A. 2 the Reformation A 16th-century movement for the reform of abuses in the Roman Church ending in the establishment of the Reformed and Protestant Churches. After some haggling a document called the Solemn League and Covenant was drawn up. But not only is the character of the Reformation differently conceived from what it once was; our notions of the process of change are being greatly altered. These various reform movements among the orders were widely but not universally successful; and so the Reformation found religious houses in an unsatisfactory state in sufficient numbers to afford the reformers one of their chief handles against the old religion. Be specific and use examples where appropriate. 5-9, gives a good abstract of the Defensor pacis and the relations of Marsilius to other precursors of the Reformation. The three ensuing years were especially favourable for the Reformation, as during that time the king had unlooked-for opportunities for filling the vacant episcopal sees with men after his own heart, and at heart he was a Lutheran. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It has been customary for Protestant writers to represent the mystics of Germany and Holland as precursors of the Reformation. His writings have been the basis of all Roman Catholic histories of the English Reformation. For the years after the Reformation we have Ranke, Zur deutsc lies Geschichte Vom Religionsfrieden bis zum 3ojdhrigen Kriege (Leipzig 1888); M. He was the first bishop of London, since the Reformation, to "pontificate" in a mitre as well as the cope, and though no man could have been less essentially "sacerdotal" he was always careful of correct ceremonial usage. Custom in this respect was, however, exceedingly varied for a long time, numerous important Churches having their own "uses," and it was not until the time of the Reformation that the Roman use was fixed and became the norm of the Churches of the Roman obedience. " Watch Queue Queue. The contest between Empire and Papacy was more than a mere struggle for supremacy between two world-powers; it was a war to the death between two fundamentally opposite conceptions of life, which in many respects anticipated and prepared the way for the Renaissance and the Reformation. Persecution gave new vitality to their doctrines, which passed on to Wycliffe and Huss, and through these leaders produced the Reformation in Germany and England. Thompson, trained Philip Quaque, said to be " the first convert who ever received ordination since the Reformation in the Reformed Church.". Congregationalism proper, as a theory of the organized Christian life contemplated in the New Testament, re-emerges only at the Reformation, with its wide recovery of such aspects of evangelic experience as acceptance with God and constant access' to Him through the sole mediation of Christ. Nothing marks the secular attitude of the Italians at an epoch which decided the future course of both Renaissance and Reformation more strongly than the mundane proclivities of this apostolic secretary, heart and soul devoted to the resuscitation of classical studies amid conflicts of popes and antipopes, cardinals and councils, in all of which he bore an official part. These cookies do not store any personal information. A reply to this by John Cochlaeus, also addressed to the Scottish king, occasioned a second letter from Alesius, in which he not only amplifies his argument with great force, but enters into more general questions connected with the Reformation. The Reformation set up a new idea of faith, or recurred to one of the oldest of all. If this be true of the Roman Catholic Church, it is still more so of the other great communities and confessions which emerged from the controversies of the Reformation. Yet despite the efforts of the government the Reformation made progress in the land. Although his faith in the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church never swerved, his strenuous protests against papal corruptions, his reliance on the Bible as his surest guide, and his intense moral earnestness undoubtedly connect Savonarola with the movement that heralded the Reformation. These measures, and the excitement which followed the arrival of the radicals from Zwickau, led Luther to return to Wittenberg in March 1522, where he preached a series of sermons attacking the impatience of the radical party, and setting forth clearly his own views of what the progress of the Reformation should be. But to effect this, and to give permanence to the reformation, he saw that there was need of a more practical code of laws to regulate the details of the daily life, as a supplement to St Basil's Rules. But this conservative reformation had begun before Luther's preaching, and might conceivably have followed much the same course had his doctrine never found popular favour or been ratified by the princes. The Catholic Reformation was a period of Catholic revival. But the intellectual activity of the Reformation also developed other views; the Socinians, with their humanitarian theory of the Person of Christ, taught that He died Only to assure men of God's forgiving love and to afford them an example of obedience - " Forgiveness is granted upon the ground of repentance and obedience. One of the most important steps taken at the Reformation was the compilation and provision of a comprehensive service book for general and compulsory use in public worship in all cathedral and parish churches throughout the Church of England. (Vienna, 1831-1838); C. Egelhaaf, Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation (Berlin, 1893), and F. von Bezold, Geschichte der deutsches Reformation (Berlin, 1890). Reformation definition is - the act of reforming : the state of being reformed. The last pope to be canonized, his pontificate marks the zenith of the Catholic reformation. The latter, a zealous Roman Catholic, had vainly tried to stem the tide of the Reformation in his dominions; Henry, on the other hand, was an equally devoted Protestant. A superficial glance at Innocent's correspondence is sufficient to convince us that he was pre-eminently concerned for the reformation and moral welfare of the Church, and was animated by the best intentions for the re-estab lishment in the ecclesiastical body of order, peace and respect for the hierarchy. This is the central and significant fact of the so-called Reformation. (See Basel, Council Of, and Felix V.) Thus the assembly of Christendom at Basel had resulted, not in the reformation of the Church, but in a new schism ! Another word for reformation. 22, and partly also from the modern Wahhabite reformation (of the 19th century). Example sentences for "reformation" in popular movie and book plots. It describes the events which lead up to the reformation of an ex-convict.In 1910, dramatist Paul Armstrong adapted the story into a highly successful Broadway play under the title Alias Jimmy Valentine which ran 155 performances at Wallack's Theatre in New York, … Not the reformation but the resurrection of Israel is the goal of the prophets' hope (Hos. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. ", The keynote of his History is contained in his assertion that the Reformation was "the root and source of the expansive force which has spread the Anglo-Saxon race over the globe.". On the Ile in the Rhone stands the tower (built c. 1219) of the old castle belonging to the bishop. Reformation definition, the act of reforming; state of being reformed. The revolution caused a radical reformation of the society. Still, a good deal of semi-congregationalism probably did exist in obscure circles which preluded the wider Reformation and were merged in it. The creation of the Internet brought about a renaissance in communication. Thus legal sanction was given in Zurich to the Reformation. CONFESSION OF BASEL, one of the many statements of faith produced by the Reformation. The Renaissance and the Reformation were awakening extravagant hopes in the minds of the German peasants, and it is still a matter of controversy among historians to what Tb extent Luther and the reformers were responsible for ~ their rising. north of the city is the State Industrial Home for Girls (1879), for the reformation of juvenile offenders between the ages of ten and seventeen. For the vestment question in the Church of England see the Report of the sub-committee of Convocation on The Ornaments of the Church and its Ministers (1908); Hierurgia Anglicana, documents and extracts illustrative of the ceremonial of the Anglican Church after the Reformation, new ed. Here, too, he published, in 1531, his most important work, the Chronica, Zeitbuch and Geschichtsbibel, largely a compilation on the basis of the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493), and in its treatment of social and religious questions connected with the Reformation, exhibiting a strong sympathy with heretics, and an unexampled fairness to all kinds of freedom in opinion. SACRAMENTARIANS, the name given to those who during the Reformation controversies not only denied the Roman Catholic "transubstantiation," but also the Lutheran "consubstantiation.". Protestant Reformation Used in a Sentence. Though long an exile from his native land, Tyndale was one of the greatest forces of the English Reformation. Sentence Examples for reformation. ); History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome (6 vols., 1897); The Early Renaissance in England (1895); Cardinal Wolsey (1895); Life of Simon de Montfort (1876, new ed. Burnet, History of the Reformation (new ed., Oxford, 1865); and R. At the time of the Reformation these were still narrow, though already showing a tendency to expand. At the Reformation (1561) the fabric was greatly injured by the 5th earl of Glencairn and the Protestants, who dismantled the altar, stripped the church of images and relics, and are even alleged to have burnt it. Singularly enough it is the modern Catholic scholars, Johannes Janssen above all, who, in their efforts further to discredit the Protestant revolt by rehabilitating the institutions which the reformers attacked, have done most to explain the success of the Reformation. 2. At The End Of The Cycle The Dominical Letters Return Again In The Same Order On The Same Days Of The Month; Hence A Table Of Dominical Letters, Constructed For Twenty Eight Years, Will Serve To Show The Dominical Letter Of Any Given Year From The Corn Mencement Of The Era To The Reformation. See more. The cope belonged to the convent of Syon near Isleworth, was taken to Portugal at the Reformation, brought back early in the 19th century to England by exiled nuns and given by them to the Earl of Shrewsbury. He was one of the plenipotentiaries who concluded peace with Lubeck at the congress of Hamburg, and subsequently took an active part in the great work of national reconstruction necessitated by the Reformation, acting as mediator between the Danish and the German parties who were contesting for 2 Hence another of the names - " hurricane-bird " - by which this species is occasionally known. It was a time of moral reformation, when men were awaking to the need of better and purer living. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It later became one of the chief centres of the Reformation movement in Switzerland, so that the bishop retired in 1525 to Porrentruy, where he resided till 1792, finally settling at Soleure in 1828, the bishopric having been wholly reorganized since 1814. As the institute spread to other lands nunneries arose on all sides, and nowhere were the Benedictine nuns more numerous or more remarkable than in England, from Saxon times to the Reformation. Hoffmann, Naumburg an der Saale im Zeitalter der Reformation (Leipzig, 1900); S. During her short course she gathered round her a devoted company of men and women trained to labour for the reformation of the individual, the church and the state. In the Church of England the term prelate has been since the Reformation applied only to archbishops and bishops. Learn Ludwig. 163+1 sentence examples: 1. Count Litzow in The Life and Times of Master John Hus (London and New York, 1909), pp. In 1539, though inclining himself to the Reformation, he made himself the king's instrument in enforcing religious conformity, and in the passing of the Six Articles Act. 1. The period of the Reformation naturally increased the commonness of the crime. This salutary doctrine, however, has undoubtedly been obscured to some extent by the phrase a poena et a culpa, which, from the 13th century to the Reformation, was applied to Plenary Indulgences. In the same year the Lutheran reformation took hold of him, and he began to issue appeals in prose and verse against the Mass and against the pope as antichrist. At the Reformation the buildings (except the church, now a ruin) passed into the possession of Lord Lovat. The blessing of the palms and the procession were, however, abolished at the Reformation, and the name "Palm Sunday," though it survives in popular usage, is not mentioned in the Book of Common Prayer. For the good of the Turkish race and the ultimate Ottoman State the Committee intended reformation in these directions as well. Among the modern buildings we may mention the following: the University(founded in 1559, but raised to the rank of a University in 1873 only), the Athenee, the Conservatoire de Musique, the Victoria Hall (a concert hall, presented in 1904 to the city by Mr Barton, formerly H.B.M. In the Lutheran church also the practice of private confession survived the Reformation, together with both the exhibitive (I forgive, &c.) and declaratory (I declare and pronounce) forms of absolution. Menu. 428), maintained its power virtually unbroken down to the Reformation. The Protestant Reformation met an early and general welcome in Styria, but the dukes took the most stringent measures to stamp it out, offering their subjects recantation or expatriation as the only alternatives. Though the Reformation left it unscathed, it suffered wanton violence from time to time. At the Reformation the altars in churches were looked upon as symbols of the unreformed doctrine, especially where the struggle lay between the Catholics and the Calvinists, who on this point were much more radical revolutionaries than the Lutherans. Grafton's Alexander Campbell, Leader of the Great Reformation of the Nineteenth Century (St Louis, 1897). The Reformation, too, brought its troubles. The condemnation which later writers, particularly those imbued with the spirit of the Deuteronomic reformation, pass upon all image-worship, is in harmony with the judgment upon Jeroboam for his innovations at Bethel and Dan (1(1 Kings xii. Jackson in Heroes of the Reformation (New York and London, 1901); Prof. Egli's articles in Hauck-Herzog's Realencyklopcidie fiir prot. 's Consul), the theatre, the Salle de la Reformation (for religious lectures and popular concerts), the Batiment Electoral, the Russian church and the new post office. Articles 22-28 describe and defend the reformation of various "abuses.". The landgrave of Hesse brought the two Reformers together in vain at Marburg in October 1529, and the whole Protestant movement broke into two camps, with the result that the attempt made at Schmalkalden in 1530 to form a comprehensive league of defence against all foes of the Reformation was frustrated. , The sorority enacted a reformation of their selection process for pledges. changing something by removing or correcting its faults, problems Use Reformation in a sentence He was sent to Shaya prison for reformation. Jealousy of everything emanating from Rome still keeps the Eastern churches from correcting the calendar according to the Gregorian reformation, and thus their Easter usually falls before, or after, that of the Western churches, and only very rarely, as was the case in 1865, do the two coincide. die Reformation der Kirche zu Basel (1843); K. He had advanced as far as the tenth sheet, bearing the signature K, when his work was discovered by Johann Cochlaeus, a famous controversialist and implacable enemy of the Reformation, who not only caused the Senate of Cologne to prohibit the continuation of the printing, but also communicated with Henry VIII. Huldrych Zwingli built a Christian theocracy in Zürich in which church and state joined for the service of God. The reformation as such had no favourable influence on Jewish fortunes in Christian Europe, though the championship of the cause of toleration by Reuchlin had considerable value. In 1645 he essayed a reformation of the calendar, but his plan was not adopted. reformation in a sentence - Use "reformation" in a sentence 1. 3. Basel was slow to accept the Reformation; the news of the Peasants' War and the inroads of Anabaptists prevented progress; but at last, in 1525, it seemed as if the authorities were resolved to listen to schemes for restoring the purity of worship and teaching. In 1545 a council was opened at Trent for the reformation of church discipline and the promulgation of orthodox doctrine. It continued in use till the Gregorian reformation. The great islands of Hawii and Maui needed reformation because the king had been killing all. The reformation of something is the act or process of changing and improving it. Lechler's Wiclif and die Vorgeschichte der Reformation, translated as Wycliffe and his English Precursors, R. The circumstances in which it was held, the influence of the men who conducted its deliberations, and the result of its proceedings, combine to render it of no small importance for the history of the Reformation in Germany. This fact was not observed (that is, the collections of examples were not made) till recently, when experiments in private non-spiritualist circles drew attention to crystal-gazing, a practice always popular among peasants, and known historically to have survived through classical and medieval times, and, as in the famous case of Dr Dee, after the Reformation. The Benedictine abbey of St Blasius was founded in 1063 and dissolved at the Reformation. Sentence with the word Protestant Reformation. Vincent Zakrzewski, professor of history at Cracow, has written some works which have attracted considerable attention, such as On the Origin and Growth of the Reformation in Poland, and After the Flight of King Henry, in which he describes the condition of the country during the period between that king's departure from Poland and the election of Stephen Batory. , Part of the reformation of the company was hiring all new management. So it's more the Reformation of. Counter-reformation sentence examples. His ministry continued, with very considerable interruptions, for about nineteen years; and during that time he accomplished a work of reformation in Kidderminster and the neighbourhood which is as notable as anything of the kind upon record. In the Pontificale Romanum, the old Ordo Romanus and the manual or Common Prayer Book in use in England before the Reformation forms for the blessing or consecration of new knights are included, and of these the first and the last are quoted by Selden. reformation meaning: 1. the act of making an improvement, especially by changing a person's behaviour or the structure…. It Deserves To Be Remarked, That As The Dominical Letter Of The First Year Of The Era Was B, The First Column Of The Following Table Will Give The Dominical Letter Of Every Year From The Commencement Of The Era To The Reformation. It was raised above feudalism only to be abased before the two directing forces of the reformation, the papacy and the religious orders. His principal historical works are Gregor von Nazianz (1825; 2nd ed., 1867) and Die Reformatoren vor der Reformation (2 vols., 1841; 2nd ed., 1866; Eng. Still more famous was Albert, count of Mansfeld (1480-1560), an intimate friend of Luther and one of the earliest and staunchest supporters of the Reformation. Need to translate "RÉFORMATION" from french and use correctly in a sentence? This was the last great effort in constructive theology of the Reformation period. Before it was completed he had already begun the researches on which was based the second of his masterpieces, his Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation (Berlin, 1839-47), a necessary pendant to his book on the popes, and the most popular of his works in his own country. And, again, if this transaction settled the investiture question, it did not solve the problem of the reconciliation of the universal power of the popes with the claims of the emperors to the government of Europe; and the conflict subsisted - slumbering, it is true, but ever ready to awake under other forms. More information about: What Was One major influence that philosophers of the Renaissance had on the Protestant Reformation? ... Eire has somehow made a 900 page book on the Reformation easy-reading. Reformation definition, the act of reforming; state of being reformed. (4) Controversial writings or treatises written to attack or defend a given position, largely the product of the Reformation period. How to use reformation in a sentence. These privileges still remained to them at the outset of the religious Reformation, which the Silesians, in spite of their Catholic zeal during the Hussite wars, accepted readily and carried out with singularly little opposition from within or without. reformation translate: reabilitação, reforma, a Reforma. He expressed surprise that a man of such views as Zwingli should wish brotherly relations with the Wittenberg reformers" (Walker, The Reformation, p. 174). 2. Examples of reformation in a sentence: 1. He is, however, also the devil, as the age of the Reformation conceived him: a fallen angel who has not forgotten the splendour of his first estate, and who pictures to Faust the glories of heaven, in order to accentuate the horrors of the hell to which he triumphantly drags him. The Reformation and the religious wars that followed in its wake destroyed the monasteries and religious orders of all kinds in northern Europe and crippled them in central Europe. The reformation of the club after a few years of problems was very welcome. Learn more. Krummel, Geschichte der bohmischen Reformation (Gotha, 1866) and Utraquisten and Taboriten (Gotha, 1871); Ernest Denis, Huss et la guerre des Hussites (Paris, 1878); H. The date would fall between Josiah's reformation (621) and his death (609). A difference of opinion on the question of the presence of Christ in the elements at the Lord's Supper was thus allowed to divide and to weaken the forces of the Reformation. Looking for sentences with ' protestant reformation '? xii.-xxvi.) In O. Henry's 'A Retrieved Reformation', Jimmy Valentine proves that even a cold-hearted criminal can change, but in the end, one's past always catches up with them. to Assyria, while the reformation in the reign of Josiah (621 B.C.) The Reformation quickened men's interest in the Scriptures to an extraordinary degree, so that, notwithstanding the adverse attitude adopted by the Roman Church at and after the council of Trent, the translation and circulation of the Bible were taken in hand with fresh zeal, and continued in more systematic fashion. The conception bears a remarkable resemblance to that of Paradise Lost; and it is almost certain that Milton, whose sympathies with the Italian Reformation were so strong, must have been acquainted with it, and with some of his later works. From the scriptural doctrine of the essentially spiritual nature of the kingdom of Christ, Glas in his public teaching drew the conclusions: (1) that there is no warrant in the New Testament for a national church; (2) that the magistrate as such has no function in the church; (3) that national covenants are without scriptural grounds; (4) that the true Reformation cannot be carried out by political and secular weapons but by the word and spirit of Christ only. After the war, the fort was used as a reformatory for wayward youth. Lindsay (History of the Reformation), clearer insight than the Lutherans, and Zwingli rather than Luther was in this matter Calvin's guide, and the guide of the reformed churches of Switzerland, France, England and the Netherlands. In England at the Reformation the dalmatic ultimately shared the fate of the chasuble and other mass vestments. Represented the victory of the lunar cycle the new moons of the House of Austria the... 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