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sebastian county courthouse fort smith

Sebastian County was formed on January 6, 1851, from parts of Crawford, Scott and Polk counties and was named for William K. Sebastian, a Judge, State Senator and U.S. Phone: (479) 782-5065 FEE SCHEDULE Online Forms 6th, Room 102 County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Code of Ordinances Judges Criminal Investigation This web site is not sponsored or associated with any other linked entity. COURTHOUSE AND 4029'S BRETT RAINS TELLS US WHY IT WAS REJECTED. CONTACT THE CLERK, Fort Smith Courthouse Land Records eRECORD All County Offices Records are located in the Courthouse at 35 South Sixth Street, Fort Smith 72901 or 301 East Center, Greenwood 72936; 479-783-6139, unless otherwise noted. Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Tax Payments Greenwood, AR 72936 County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff: Judge Ben Beland Additional: Clerk Rachel J. Sims, Sebastian Cty Courts Bldg. County Seat Greenwood and Fort Smith This page will provide you with the following: Links to the Sebastian County probate court's website, the address, a map and a … • Sebastian County Circuit Court, Division VII Dianna Hewitt Ladd: 12,090 (62.88%) Judge Sam Terry: 7,137 (37.12%) • Fort Smith District Court, Division I Administrative Law Judge Amy Grimes: 6,912 (54.44%) Judge Jim O’Hern: 5,784 (45.56%) • Fort Smith District Court, Division II Deputy Public Defender Wendy Sharum: 7,725 (61.34%) Sebastian County Circuit Court is located in Sebastian county in Arkansas. Current Bookings Car Tag Renewals Inmate Care Packages Juvenile Probation Terms and Conditions. Links to downloadable forms are included. SEBASTIAN COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT. Sebastian County Courthouse is a 5-story low-rise building in Fort Smith, Arkansas, U.S.A.. View a detailed profile of the structure 281971 including further data and descriptions in the Emporis database. Bid List Application Justice Building 901 South B St. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Sheriff Department 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 (479) 783-5023. Courts Bldg.- 901 S. "B" Street 0.0 mile away. Links to downloadable forms are included. In order to qualify for participation in this program, the following criteria must be met: Additional records are listed on the county and state pages. Sebastian County VSO Office is Proud to partner with the Marine Corps League River Valley AR Detachment 1248 this year and this wonderful program. 11/25/2020 . Fort Smith, AR 72901 View information about Sebastian County District Court - Fort Smith criminal and traffic cases, including court appearances, types of citations, traffic school, court-appointed counsel, continuances, sealing and expungement, payment plans, and warrants. Civil Special Services Feeling lonely is one thing, but being alone is a choice!! SERVICES OFFERED Related Searches. Sex Offender Watch Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901 District Court of Sebastian County maintains this Web site in order to increase public access to district court information. Deed Documents get driving directions from your location, Sebastian County Clerk's Office Marriage Applications, Sebastian County Marriage Certificates & Records, Sebastian County vital records: birth certificates, marriage and death certificates, Land, property, mortgage, and title deed records, Marriage licenses, applications, and records, Sebastian County licenses, permits, and business registrations. 35 South 6 St. Welcome to Circuit Court record access. Note: This page primarily lists records kept at the city level. Sebastian County District Court Fort Smith District 2. Cooperative Extension Services Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901 District Court of Sebastian County maintains this Web site in order to increase public access to district court information. DBA - Assumed Names 901 South 'B' Street 0.0 mile away The mission of the District Court of Sebastian County, Arkansas, Fort Smith Division is to provide prompt, courteous, accessible services dedicated to ensuring equal justice in the resolution of criminal prosecutions, traffic charges, civil matters and other court related services of district court jurisdiction. Bid List Application The stately limestone courthouse in Fort Smith, which has 254 rooms, houses early history of the county. Real Estate Records 901 South 'B' Street, Fort Smith 72901, Phone: (479) 784-2420, Fax: 784-2438 Clerks also support the elections process and provide a variety of transactional services. The Fort Smith Confederate Monument is a sculpture erected in 1903 at the Sebastian County Courthouse in Fort Smith (Sebastian County) by the Varina Jefferson Davis Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy(UDC) to commemorate local men who served in the Confederate army during the Civil War. Fort Smith, AR, Justice Building Birth Certificates 901 South 'B' Street, Fort Smith, AR 72901 Sebastian County. Sebastian County District Court, Fort Smith Division 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 479.784.2420 The District Court is located inside the Sebastian County Courts Building on the corner of 10th and South B Street. No burn ban in effect. Purchasing - Auctions & Bids Fort Smith, AR Privacy Policy It is a large four-story stone and concrete structure with modest Art Deco styling, designed by Fort Smith architects E. Chester Nelson, T. E. Bassham, and Carnall Wheeler [2] and built in 1937 with funding from the Public Works Administration . "COVID-19" State Vaccine Plan  The District Attorney heads the Fort Smith Prosecutor's Office, directing the attorneys who work for the office. The information is not intended to be a source of legal advice. Prosecuting Attorney 35 S Sixth St, Rm 102, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901. Sebastian County is a county located in the U.S. state of Arkansas.As of the 2010 census, the population was 125,744, making it the fourth-most populous county in Arkansas. The court address is 901 S "B" St, #205, Fort Smith AR 72901. MARRIAGE LICENSE Sebastian County Clerk - Fort Smith 35 So. 6th St., Room 102, Fort Smith, AR 72901 Phone (479)782-5065 Fax (479)784-1567 Sebastian County Clerk - Greenwood 301 East Center, Room 104, Greenwood, AR 72936 Phone (479) 996-4195 Fax (479)996-4165 Greenwood, AR 72936 Raquel Smith - email Court Administrator Book a Tee Time The Sebastian County Courthouse/Fort Smith City Hall is a historic civic building at 100 South 6th Street in Fort Smith, Arkansas. The county seats are Fort Smith and Greenwood. 8:00am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. The information is not intended to be a source of legal advice. The Sebastian County Clerk, located in Fort Smith, Arkansas, is the official keeper of public records for Sebastian County. By submitting this form you agree to our Privacy Policy & Terms. The Sebastian County Courthouse/Fort Smith City Hall is a historic civic building at 100 South 6th Street in Fort Smith, Arkansas. EQUALIZATION BOARD Among several markers on the courthouse grounds is a statue of a Confederate soldier on top of a pedestal nearly three stories tall. Nearby Courts: Twelfth Judicial Circuit Division 6 Sebastian Cty. Coroner Transparency in Government, Fort Smith Court House Public Defender District Court of Sebastian County maintains this Web site in order to increase public access to district court information. [1] 6 relations: Art Deco , Fort Smith, Arkansas , Moderne architecture , National Register of Historic Places , National Register of Historic Places listings in Sebastian County, Arkansas , … Welcome to Circuit Court record access. The Sebastian County Judge's Office Department of Emergency Management in partnership with the City of Fort Smith, United Way of Fort Smith Area, UAMS, Arkansas Department of Health and both Baptist and Mercy Hospitals are opening a regional call center to address the COVID 19 Virus. Find 6 Clerk Offices within 34.4 miles of Sebastian County Clerk. We hope that you find the information listed here to be of great service to you. Court System Type: District Court Division: Department- 2. Cases June 2015 and newer are accessible using this site and/or installing JustWare (see instructions below). Auctions Circuit Court Records The court address is 901 S "B" St, #205, Fort Smith AR 72901. The sculpture is 6 feet (1.8 m) in height, and is mounted on a square columnar pedestal over 30 feet (9.1 m) tall. Child Support 11 Town Square Warrant Search, 150 Years of County History The Sebastian County Prosecuting Attorney, located in Fort Smith, AR, is an agency that prosecutes criminal cases on behalf of the Fort Smith government. The Clerk's office ensures that public records are retained, archived, and made accessible to the public in accordance with all laws and regulations. Phone: 479-782-5065 Fax: 479-784-1567 Greenwood Courthouse 301 E. Center, Room 104 Greenwood, AR 72936 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Phone: 479-996-4195 Fax: 479-996-4165 We provide a wide range of services, all of which may not be listed on this page. Nearby Courts: Twelfth Judicial Circuit Division 6 Sebastian Cty. 11/25/2020 . Sheriff Go here. 800 South A Street Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Fort Smith, AR. Veteran's Service, Absentee Ballot Greenwood Courthouse My staff and I are fully committed to serving and assisting you in locating, acquiring and filing the records and/or documents that you may be seeking. Birth Certificates FORT SMITH, Ark. Popularity:#1 of 3 Clerk Offices in Sebastian County#36 of 121 Clerk Offices in Arkansas#663 in Clerk Offices. The Clerk's office ensures that public records are retained, archived, and made accessible to the public in accordance with all laws and regulations. sebastian county courthouse room 202 fort smith • sebastian county courthouse room 202 fort smith photos • sebastian county courthouse room 202 fort smith location • Juvenile Detention Center About Us Contact Us Limit of 5 free uses per day. 8:00am-5:00pm M-F. The District Court of Sebastian County, Arkansas, Fort Smith Division, offers a First Offender Program to assist individuals in maintaining a clean driving record. 901 South 'B' Street 0.0 mile away Emergency MGMT & Public Safety Election Commission FAQ Financial Management Auctions Fort Smith, AR; Sebastian County Drug Court; Drug Court Works (21) Operating as usual. Public access will be limited to what's allowable by law. Sebastian County is a county located in the U.S. state of Arkansas.As of the 2010 census, the population was 125,744, making it the fourth-most populous county in Arkansas. Therefore, it is necessary that these records be accurately recorded and well maintained. Technology Services Find Towle Court, Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas, 72908, USA (N 35° 16' 58.3608", W 94° 24' 41.7312") on a map. Death Certificate . Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Fort Smith, AR. Click here for State Resource Sites. About the Sebastian County Clerk The Sebastian County Clerk, located in Fort Smith, Arkansas, is the official keeper of public records for Sebastian County. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Sebastian County Courthouse locations in Fort Smith, AR. Older cases? JusticeWeb and JustWare provide secure access to case records, court calendar and more. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). JusticeWeb and JustWare provide secure access to case records, court calendar and more. Court Administration Sebastian County District Court Fort Smith District 1 Sebastian Cty Courts Bldg. Sebastian County District Court Fort Smith District 1 Sebastian Cty Courts Bldg. The phone number for Sebastian County Circuit Court is 479-782-1046 and the fax number is 479-784-1580. View information about Sebastian County District Court - Fort Smith criminal and traffic cases, including court appearances, types of citations, traffic school, court-appointed counsel, continuances, sealing and expungement, payment plans, and warrants. Courthouse Security Famous Residents The information is not intended to be a … RESOURCES Early in the history of Arkansas and the city, Fort Smith was an important point of contact to the American West. County & Parish Government Police Departments. Election Precinct The County Clerk is the official bookkeeper of your county government. Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street, Rm 205 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Phone: 479-782-1046 Fax: 479-784-1580 Records Office Parker Annex 40 South 4th Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Phone: 479-784-1581 Greenwood Courthouse 301 E. Center, Room 103 Greenwood, AR 72936 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Phone: 479-996-4175 901 South 'B' Street 0.0 mile away. Find 22 listings related to Sebastian County Courthouse in Fort Smith on Inmate Send Money, Jury Email Notifications  Search Sebastian County District Court-Fort Smith … A Confederate monument stands on the grounds of the Sebastian County Courthouse. The Ft. Smith Confederate Monument stands on the grounds of the Sebastian County Courthouse at the junction of 6th and Rogers Streets in Fort Smith, Arkansas.The statue depicts a Confederate Army soldier, standing facing north, holding the upper stock of his rifle, which is grounded. Website. The County Clerk is the Local Registrar for Smith County, providing Birth and Death Records when the event occurred outside the city limits of Tyler. Car Tag Renewals Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 So. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. The Fort Smith Regional Airport is a mixed-use airport located three miles outside of town. Treasurer & Collector Jail - Adult Detention Center District Court of Sebastian County maintains this Web site in order to increase public access to district court information. Fax: 479-784-1567 The Confederate monument on the grounds of the Sebastian County Courthouse looks like it is staying put. The courthouse at Greenwood burned in 1881 and again in 1882, but few records being saved. This web site is not sponsored or associated with any other linked entity. Sebastian Cty Courts Bldg. Drug Court Court Name: Sebastian County District Court-Fort Smith District: Court Type: District Court: Address: 350 McAllister Street Room 1295, San Francisco, CA 94102 Death Certificate If you've got what it takes, See our, Amendment 79 Homestead Tax Credit & Assessed Vaue Freeze, Election Day Voting - Sebastian County Arkansas, ©2021 Sebastian County | Web Design and Development by Local Creative Agencies. Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901. The Drug Court graduation will be live streamed on Friday December 4, 2020 at 9:00 am through the … The records which are kept by the County Clerk are vital to the efficient and effective operation of your county government. Sebastian County Courthouse-Fort Smith City Hall The Sebastian County Courthouse/Fort Smith City Hall is a historic civic building at 100 South 6th Street in Fort Smith, Arkansas.It is a large four-story stone and concrete structure with modest Art Deco styling, designed by Fort Smith architects E. 801 S A St. Fort Smith, AR 72901. 10/15/19 - 12/15/19 Greenwood District Court Find Sebastian County Households, Marital Status, and Veteran Status. County Judge 2. The Clerk's office ensures that public records are retained, archived, and made accessible to the public in accordance with all laws and regulations. © 2021 County Office. Phone: 479-996-4195 The Sebastian County Courthouse stands at 100 South 6 th Street, less than a mile from the Fort Smith National Cemetery, in the heart of the frontier city of Fort Smith (Sebastian County).The white, Art Deco–style courthouse is home to one of the county’s two seats of justice (the other is in Greenwood) as well as Fort Smith’s City Hall. Fort Smith, AR  72901, The Sheriff Department is hiring for Adult Detention Center, Juvenile Detention and Court Security. Quorum Court Justices of the peace approved a … Probate The county has two county seats, Greenwood and Fort Smith.. Sebastian County is part of the Fort Smith, AR … All other cases may need to be filed in the Sebastian County District Court – Greenwood Department. The Sebastian County Clerk, located in Fort Smith, Arkansas, is the official keeper of public records for Sebastian County. Personal Property Assess Cases June 2015 and newer are accessible using this site and/or installing JustWare (see instructions below). The District Court of Sebastian County, Arkansas, Fort Smith Division, offers a First Offender Program to assist individuals in maintaining a clean driving record. County Clerk GWD District Ct Inquiry County of Sebastian. Fax: 479-996-4165. Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm, Phone: 479-782-5065 Find 11 external resources related to Sebastian County Clerk. Circuit Clerk Sebastian County District Court Fort Smith District 3 Sebastian Cty Courts Bldg. Road Dept-Service Request Assessor In order to qualify for participation in this program, the following criteria must be met: Justices of the peace approved a … 6th, Room G5 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Ph: 479.783.6139 The Confederate monument on the grounds of the Sebastian County Courthouse looks like it is staying put. 901 South 'B' Street 0.0 mile away. Deed Document Access Voter Registration Pavilion Rentals Fort Smith Courthouse 35 So. The Fort Smith Confederate Monument is a sculpture erected in 1903 at the Sebastian County Courthouse in Fort Smith (Sebastian County) by the Varina Jefferson Davis Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy(UDC) to commemorate local men who served in the Confederate army during the Civil War. County & Parish Government Government Offices Attorneys. Public Meeting Materials Fort Smith also boasts a Spirit of the American Doughboy monument to World War I veterans, and the St. Scholastica Monastery for Benedictine nuns. Find Birth Records, Divorce Records, Marriage Records, and Voter Records related to Sebastian County Clerk. 6th, Room 102 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm. The Clerk's duties are established and regulated through a combination of Arkansas state statutes, local ordinances and charters, and other regulations. The sculpture is 6 feet (1.8 m) in height, and is mounted on a square columnar pedestal over 30 feet (9.1 m) tall. FORT SMITH -- Discussions continue in Sebastian County regarding a Confederate monument on county courthouse grounds. DBA - Assumed Names The Sebastian County Courthouse stands at 100 South 6 th Street, less than a mile from the Fort Smith National Cemetery, in the heart of the frontier city of Fort Smith (Sebastian County).The white, Art Deco–style courthouse is home to one of the county’s two seats of justice (the other is in Greenwood) as well as Fort Smith’s City Hall. The information is not intended to be a … Employment Application Pay Fines All Rights Reserved. Sebastian County Records Department. Child Support Greenwood Courthouse SEBASTIAN COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT. 35 So. Our goal is to provide services to all of the citizens in a courteous, timely, ethical and cost-effective manner. Information found on is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Inmate Search Go here. Among several markers on the courthouse grounds is a statue of a Confederate soldier on top of a pedestal nearly three stories tall. Parks Law Enforcement Access Deed Document eRecord Click here for details. FORT SMITH -- The Sebastian County Quorum Court made two key decisions regarding the county circuit clerk Tuesday. Justice Building 901 South B St. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72956 Sheriff Department 800 South A Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 301 E. Center, Room 104 Address and Phone Number for Sebastian County Clerk, a Clerk Office, at B Street South, Fort Smith AR. The Clerk's office is also responsible for recording all documents for County Court, Commissioners Court, and the three County Courts-at-Law. Suggest Listing Find Sebastian County residential property records including ownership, mortgage & deed records, land, parcel, zoning, & structural details, sales history, valuations, property tax assessments & more. Sheriff Department Find Sebastian County District Court-Fort Smith District Arkansas information online, address, contact information, access and directions. Poll Worker Application Public access will be limited to what's allowable by law. Senator from Arkansas. If you believe information provided is inaccurate, please send written notice to the Sebastian County District Court at the following address: Sebastian County District Court 901 S. B Street, Suite 103 Fort Smith, … Proper filing in the Sebastian County District Court – Fort Smith Department would be if the defendant currently resides in Fort Smith or if the obligation or property damage occurred in Fort Smith. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2018 ACS 5-Year Estimates. So remember when you are in the area and come in to file a claim or make a change, why not make a change in our local community children's hearts this Holiday Season. Roads Human Resources FORT SMITH -- The Sebastian County Quorum Court made two key decisions regarding the county circuit clerk Tuesday. If you have a question about something that is not listed here, please feel free to call us, as we are here to serve you. View map of Sebastian County Clerk, and get driving directions from your location Election - How to Vote 901 South B St. "COVID-19" Vaccine Pharmacies List The Ft. Smith Confederate Monument stands on the grounds of the Sebastian County Courthouse at the junction of 6th and Rogers Streets in Fort Smith, Arkansas.The statue depicts a Confederate Army soldier, standing facing north, holding the upper stock of his rifle, which is grounded. County Clerk/Recorder. Click the map below for a printable version. — The United Daughters of the Confederacy has rejected a deal that would have moved a Confederate statue from the Sebastian County Courthouse to a … The landscape of Sebastian County is rolling farmlands, forested ridges, isolated mountains and lakes. Courts Bldg.- 901 S. "B" Street 0.0 mile away. Older cases? Fort Smith is the second-largest city in Arkansas after Little Rock (Pulaski County) and shares status with Greenwood as the county seat of Sebastian County. The county has two county seats, Greenwood and Fort Smith.. Sebastian County is part of the Fort Smith, AR … Sebastian County Circuit Court is located in Sebastian county in Arkansas. Fort Smith Genealogy (in Sebastian County, AR) USA (1,111,225) > Arkansas (18,840) > Sebastian County (504) > Fort Smith (222). Listing Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions not a consumer reporting agency as defined by County... 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