(Watch people arguing on social media some time.) “For example, a user from [one] generation may use periods at the end of every sentence. They’re … If they are offering … You might find a community of professionals who seem to get along just fine with formal language. The tracer who calls will not ask for personal information, like a Social Security number. It makes me think about you when I see it." While I thought everyone knew this by now, at least one New York Times reader needed to be told. In 2014, the Onion established that only a “stone-hearted ice witch” would send a “great to see you” email with zero exclamation marks. “Okay” is obviously the most professional way to type the word, and I will vouch that it is also safe to casually use in text messages. If someone asks you a question online or over text, do not respond with “OK.” or “Yes.” You might use “sure” or “yep” without punctuation; you should probably add an exclamation mark. What About the Trans Athletes Who Compete — And Win — in Men’s Sports? Now listen very closely: you should opt out entirely from using “ok,” if you can, but especially “k,” unless you want someone to know that if they were on fire, you would happily watch them burn. There’s nothing worse than when a guy texts you ‘OK’ – or even worse, when he texts you ‘K’. and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. Texting slang involves sending shortened messages between mobile devices. I know I just threw a lot at you, and maybe you’re frantically texting out apologies or trying to remember what ks are good ks and what are bad ks. Or perhaps you ask your boyfriend or a guy you've been seeing an important question in person and he simply says, "ok," or "all right," or some other response just as bland. This is a guarantee. It's hard to be a passive-aggressive person in an age of waning face-to-face communication, all but robbed of the microexpressions you need to … A recent popular Instagram post makes the same point via Baby Yoda screenshot. Anonymous. The Flake-Out Text “Sorry I missed your text!” You texted. But the WORST of the worst texting offenses, by far, is the single letter text "K." Receiving a "K" text makes everyone instantly furious, NO MATTER WHAT. One of those, writes McCulloch, is the exclamation mark. Or end a sentence with a million exclamation points. He currently runs the scripted comedy podcast "Roommate From Hell.". The fact that ‘Okay’ has been classed as sarcasm, if someone says something odd to you, and your response is ‘okay’, that is quite usual. And awesome. I loved her sense of humor. It’s free. You Need a Pair of White Jeans. If you texted "Go To Hell", she would have said "ok". Did you receive a text from a guy saying “OK” and sat there lifeless wondering what it means? 1 decade ago. Some disagree that “okay” can sound sarcastic or stern, especially when paired with a period. Me: Meet me at the mall at 10 tomorrow. The First "I love you." Sign up for InsideHook to get our best content delivered to your inbox every weekday. From then on we’ve been conditioned (or traumatized) to react in a similar manner to the single k. Even when it’s just in response to a simple, harmless sentence, it can still feel like a dig: I get that my parents don’t understand what texting the letter “K” means but it still hurts. Same goes online. Sometimes the internet goes over our heads. Chances are, it means: OK. While some say there are ways to make someone to fall for you, one thing is for sure—you shouldn't pressure anyone to say "I love you" before they are ready to say it. 0 0. Deleting your paragraph & just texting back “K” … growth. All rights reserved. Don’t keep texting until they respond. It lets her know that you think about her outside of the current conversation. A one-word text is the death of any conversation. It’s cute and fast to type. There are many different ways one can text the word “okay.” You can spell the whole word out (okay), only use the first two letters (ok), or use a double (kk) or single (k) k. All of them connote different things. It means they aren't really interested. Four out of five of the guys … Whichever way “doing OK” leans on a given day, I need to be a lot more intentional about remembering to ask, “How are you?” You’ll probably notice you use more words in person than you thought, even to say “yes.”, No one likes a chatty Cathy, especially when the conversation is happening on your phone, demanding. That’s the beauty of internet lingo — you can evoke so much power and emotion with one little letter. You’re fine, we’re all fine lol. Kk. Wednesday's Best Deals: Aukey Webcam, PlayStation Plus, Eastbay Athleisure, Dog Chew Toys, and More, at least one New York Times reader needed to be told. Pure acknowledgment. Well, I hate to break it to you, but you have probably made a lot of people feel shitty. You ask us something important, and we respond in a way that is really hard to decipher or can come off as just plain rude. “The best way to respond to this is to say, ‘Okay, I’m available Wednesday or Thursday, which day [works for you]?’" he says. Make sure you don't say anything inappropriate at this stage. The reality is, it doesn’t have to be. Read the situations listed and described below to see if any of them relate to you and what you are dealing with. Or as Urban Dictionary so eloquently puts it, “The text you receive from your girlfriend, really meaning ‘fuck you.’’ A single K is cold, it cuts quick but deep. People voiced their disdain for short responses — “k, ok, lol” — on Facebook pages and through memes years ago. But if you’re the most formal one in the group, then believe me: everyone thinks you hate them. as far as im concerned they are doing my job of weeding themselves out of my contacts list for me. Condolences Text Message Sample. It will also likely bring her back into the conversation with you. Giving some advice to a friend but don’t want to be held accountable if they take it and fuck up their life even more? If someone asks you a question online or over text, do not respond with “OK.” or “Yes.” You might use “sure” or “yep” without punctuation; you should … Meet Balldo, The Device That Turns Your Testicles Into a Second Penis, Olivia Rodrigo's Record-Breaking Song "Drivers License," Explained, Reports of a Donald Trump OnlyFans Page Have Been Greatly Exaggerated, Fat-Shaming Tweet About Stacey Abrams Leads to Football Coach Being Fired. Weaver writes half-jokingly in her column, “As a woman, I maintain a bustling control center behind my thoughts where everything said to me is parsed for evidence of impending physical threats.” This is true of everyone to some extent: We’re all scanning communication for a potential threat, if only emotional. In fact, as Bennett says, "one of the surest signs someone likes you over text is a rapid response. If you do want to express blank disdain to someone online, you write formally, use a period to add finality to your words, or make your words as low-effort as possible, to signify you want to waste zero time on this interaction. But you are wondering if you should send a text his way or if you should respond to one of his texts that he has sent to you. Very, very different things. Text her something like: "There is this flower outside that is the same colour as your eyes. Another tactic I’ve used is to replace “yes” with “yep,” or “sure” with “sure thing”—using the casual form of a word to sound less like an android or a cop. Its origin was the subject of scholarly debate for many years until Allen Walker Read showed that OK is based on a joke of sorts. But I wouldn’t worry about this one too much unless you get an “are you mad at me?” in response, in which case you should apologize and stop using it. But the reason why okay is, well, okay, is because it’s the longest form of the word. If you only talk online or through text, there's nothing wrong with responding to the news by sending a text. Let’s cut to the chase – pun intended. “Kk” is the closest to gotcha. Adults don't understand that texting 'K' is rude.. my grandma texted me K and I'm like what's wrong? If you absentmindedly send a “k” to someone who understands its true meaning, their heart will sink, their hands will stop working and they’ll struggle to understand why you hate them. These Are Only $20. If they send you another one asking if you got the text, just say "yes, and thanks" and that's it. You “make an extra effort,” says linguist Gretchen McCulloch in her book Because Internet, “using hedges, honorifics, or simply more words: ‘Doctor, could I possibly trouble you to open the window?’ versus ‘Open the window!’” Online, you do the same, with different tactics. This is the many ways to text “okay,” youthsplained. pic.twitter.com/9bNKjLbGOr. If you’re only getting back the occasional “lol,” … Very, very different things. 3. if some one says a realy stupid comment, then you say oh ok, can also be used if not really listening to what some one says, then they expect an answer and you dont know … Advice columnist Caity Weaver (emeritus of our former sister site Gawker) explained that replying with “O.K.” or “K” could come across as rude, and recommended “kk” or “O.K. Yes! Maybe he is a friend, maybe he is a significant other, or maybe he is someone that you just met. She probably wasn't even reading what you … The necessity of the exclamation mark has carried over to texts, chat, and Slack. Don't call someone else a thot, because it's sexist, racist, and classist. If you were to let your face go slack, stand stock still, and say “Yes.” in a tone of finality, it’d be fair to assume that you were being intentionally unfriendly. A person from another generation may interpret this as passive aggression. (The solo letter “k” is a famously dismissive reply to anything stupid.) if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. There are many different ways one can text the word “okay.” You can spell the whole word out (okay), only use the first two letters (ok), or use a double (kk) or single (k) k. All of them connote different things. In an interview with Vox about whether the internet is destroying language (it’s not), linguist Gretchen McCulloch says that generational differences can impact the ways we send and interpret texts. a real bar off . I feel honored and blessed to have known your sister. OK is first recorded in 1839 … you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. Which isn’t wrong — sentences do invoke a more serious tone when there are periods involved. It's free. But if anything, just remember this: one K is bad, two Ks are good and above all else, never, ever use three Ks. We're texting with someone and the conversation is going great. No! You probably know someone who overdoes the multiple exclamation marks. you want to reply, wondering why he failed to elaborate. I will miss her terribly. !” But why? Successfully pressuring someone into saying that doesn't mean they actually feel that way. He’s checking in to make sure you’re still available. But communicating via text is also a dialect that’s still — relatively — in its infancy, which can lead to a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. He doesn’t want to be in a committed relationship with you, but he doesn’t want you with anyone else. It’s okay. Seriously? The origins of the dreadful “k” can’t exactly be pinpointed, though it’s been a thing since iMessage looked like this, so basically the Stone Age. The ways in which we communicate via text have changed a lot since the days of AOL instant messenger. On the other side of receiving ks is, of course, sending them. You can write the way you want to talk, but we need to have some communication about the means in which you are expressing it to avoid communication difficulties and misinterpretations.”, While McCulloch says that there is no right way to use language online, I would argue that there are a few rules pertaining to the world of texting and the internet that should be universally understood and followed so that we can avoid those “communication misinterpretations.” And if there’s one page we should all be on, it’s how we use the word “okay.”. Otherwise you might sound passive aggressive, dismissive, or angry. Then, all of a sudden, he replies, "ok." "Ummm what?" It means message received, roger that. What’s So Great About Indian Creek Island, Anyway? (It happens all the time in company-wide emails from HR, or other departments that really really need to sound friendly to everyone all the time.) Spiked Hot Chocolate Is the Best Way to Survive Winter, From At-Home Health Devices to Sex Tech: 5 Main Takeaways From CES 2021. Yes it does. Friend: OK I'll be there. News, advice and insights for the most interesting man in the room. This shows that the other person is excited to … In a stock message like “yes,” you have very little room to indicate tone. At least not in response to a harmless message. And if you have a choice in font, you must never choose Comic Sans, or consider choosing Comic Sans … in fact, maybe just don’t even look at it. So if your message can be read as threatening or cold, it will be. In person, when you want to say something politely, you say it less efficiently. Didn’t get a reply right away? These customs change over time and across populations. Are u mad at me? And if you get a k period (k.), don’t go home for at least 48 hours. As near as I can tell from the honest feedback I’ve gotten from my hurting friends, sometimes “OK” represents a step forward, and other times it represents a stumble back. When people say, "OK" or "K" in their texts, It doesn't bother me. See you soon. It’s also important to note that to some, “ok” has reached “k” status, and I’ll admit when I get an “ok” it is a little offputting. Do You, a Man, Have a Winter-Appropriate Skincare Routine? “If I’m excited about an upcoming date night, and I text him some tentative plans or ask his opinion, seeing that ‘whatever’in my inbox just makes me think he doesn’t care about spending time with me,” one woman tells me. When someone doesn’t text back, you could take the high road and not say anything, but if you are going crazy and are annoyed, use one of our funny comebacks below. Telling someone your deep, dark, intimate secrets, but damn does it sound a little too serious? "You’re now giving him an option.” If your crush is interested, they’ll willingly agree to make alternative plans and (hopefully) keep them. Make sure to add that “lol” or “lmao” to the end of those, because you’re casual and all that emotional trauma you’ve endured for years isn’t even that big of a deal. Get InsideHook in your inbox. Taken from wikipedia: Saying okay in a sarcastic or questioning tone or elongating the word can indicate that the person one is talking to is considered crazy and/or exasperatingly stubborn in their view. In person, you use more words, but you also—consciously or not—deliver everything with a tone of voice, facial expression, and body language. Luckily, we have a college student on staff to help us navigate those times. In some cases, even asking if someone is OK, “depending on how, where and when it’s posed, could be seen as an affront or even something … If you don’t want to sound disdainful, be about 50% nicer than you think you need to. There’s a good reason for this. This texting slang dictionary helps you quickly find all the most common abbreviations. Are u ok? Is Roger Federer Moonlighting as a Peloton Champion? But if you're reclaiming it for yourself because you're in … So: When is it OK to use it? When you send a “k,” what you’re saying is: I don’t care what you’ve said and I don’t want to talk to you anymore. You’re on your way? Your uncle was a kind soul. If a guy wants to keep talking to you, he won’t halt all conversation. Copyright © 2021 InsideHook. This is basically the equivalent of receiving a bunch of question marks and a balloon emoticon – frustrating and impossible to understand. You no longer have to waste your time explaining to someone what they did to piss you off; you simply send a k and they will (quickly) figure it out themselves. Where has the romance gone? "oh ok" to me kinda gives the " yeah yeah i really don't care" vibe ... has the job of typing: "I do not know what to say" people who type ok, are very demented. The first exclamation point is OK ... the second is way too overeager ... and the third is just flat-out desperate. Great, got it, we’re good. If someone sent you this text, no harm in just replying back "thanks", but it's just a text. and its very bad to use "oh ok" when you are in the phase of getting to know someone/possibly to date. It’s no longer acceptable to tyypppeeee liiiikeee thiiiiiis. These things take time, so let it happen naturally. So we can hang out. In a longer message, you have more options for communicating tone of voice, especially in the actual words you use. Finding the right words to say to someone who’s loved one has died is never easy. And everyone pretty much agreed that yeah, when you type out an extremely long, emotionally charged paragraph to someone and they respond with one letter, it’s pretty infuriating. Staff Writer, Lifehacker | Nick has written for Gawker, Valleywag, the Daily Dot, and Urlesque. Report: Elizabeth Holmes Destroyed Evidence in Theranos Investigation. It’s acceptable to send a text if it makes sense for you to do so. “Sure.” “Fine.” “OK.” “Yeah.”I can only imagine how these might drive women crazy. Is that what you want? On the First “Real Time” of 2021, Bill Maher Explores the Trump Legacy. Our world has lost a good one. “I’d say, ‘I need to vent’ or ‘I need some space’ or whatever.” The empowerment coach said, “At the end of the day I have found that if I am not in an emotional place to talk and I find someone’s questioning me intrusive I need to go within and do what is best for me.” And that response is perfectly okay! Text abbreviations have also changed, not so much in what they’re abbreviating, but in their ability to completely change the tone of a sentence. Yes, the word “okay.” The one word we all use, constantly, in text and IRL, most frequently to inform others that we’ve received their message, whether that be true or not. Those names and phone numbers are often kept in an online system. Don't text the first I love you. Me: K Or Me: I'll be at your house in 5 mins. Most of us who have distressingly overanalyzed a “k” text have sent one ourselves, and with intent. I will treasure my memories of your aunt. You took the time to type out those additional two letters, and that counts for something. They want to feel helpful. Men who are interested keep it going and eventually direct the convo into an in-person meeting. When the text doesn’t come, it can make you go a little crazy, especially when you see that the person who hasn’t gotten back to you is updating their Facebook post. Men like to be needed. And when in doubt, get rid of the exclamation point. Slap a “but idk” at the end of that sentence, a signal that they should take your words of wisdom with a grain of salt. Men do not always realize how single words and p… I just put the phone down and go about my business. And awesome. No need to stress about texts when other things are going on. … To avoid that, inject some warmth. Yes, to whatever you said, where ever you wanted to go tonight, and however you wa… The only form of okay that can be used without misinterpretation resulting in the demise of a relationship is “kk” (and I’d argue “okay,” but we’ll get to that later). OK is a quintessentially American term that has spread from English to many other languages. What is there to explain? People who had contact with someone infected with COVID-19 may first get a text message from the health department, telling them they’ll get a call from a specific number. What People Get Wrong About Ethical Porn, According to Performers, It's 2021 and Female Politicians Still Can't Win When It Comes to Fashion, Meet the Black American Designers Kamala Harris Is Championing as Vice President, Bernie Sanders’ Inauguration Mittens Are Made From Recycled Wool by a Vermont Teacher Because of Course They Are, Every Single Montblanc Watch at Mr Porter Is on Sale. "I can help you with that." Chill out. Friend: K Not too far, or the sincerity starts sounding like sarcasm—but pay attention to the ways you say yes in person, and try to imitate those in your messages. The text means something else when he’s someone you occasionally hook up with, and he ONLY texts you when he knows you’ll be with other guys after ghosting you. When writing a condolence via text, a sincere, meaningful message from the heart is appreciated. Are there “rules” to texting? These tiny choices matter when you’re sending tiny messages. At least one valid email address is required. 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