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bad at coding interviews

So my guess is: as much as it is true that those programming tests require you to spend some time on them, that time may very well be your best investment while looking for a job you’ll really like. Asking the plumber to build a grid to prove his skill is certainly overkill, but asserting a candidate’s skill can, in the case of small companies, make the difference between succeeding or going out of business. Not a complete application, mind you. I did that and they offered me the position on the spot, but they could have just asked for code samples. Also many times it shows us how the applicant will react when there is a problem they cannot solve. we also give a basic coding test – ie. Engineers often will fail to solve the problem, only to find that they actually passed the interview. Coding Interview Tips How to get better at technical interviews without practicing Chitchat like a pro. Predicting the Life Expectancy of a Country using a Regression Model, How bad UX almost killed everyone in Jurassic Park. Or better yet, go for simplicity & maintenance, and just do: if ($var == strrev($var), @eliw, I completely agreed – 12 hours on a coding exercise was crazy. Hopefully, the developer you are trying to recruit will have more impact on your company than the plumber will have on your home. For some reason a number of the last places I’ve worked instead of wanting to do a team interview, didn’t want to ‘stress’ the person out, and so instead only had lots and LOTS of individual 1-on-1 interviews instead. This is part 2 of a series of articles themed “Preparing for Software Engineer Interviews”. Programs are a disposable artifact on the way to delivering the programmer’s knowledge of the problem and how to solve it. In the ten years since … Some are obvious and some are sneaky. In most cases, the programs don’t need to be functional. These interviews can be high level conceptual conversations, screen-sharing interviews (i.e. For example, after interviewing and examining a patient, a physi-cian often dictates the results into a tape recorder. Never again do I want to work for someone so completely inept at coding and managing a project, but so good at talking a good game. Functional-2 Functional filtering and mapping operations on lists with lambdas Software engineers love to trick the interviewees and give extremely challenging questions. As you complete each topic, realize that you’ll want to re-visit it 2–3 times every week subsequently to keep it fresh in your mind! That was exciting, and I really thought I was going to get an offer. Ask me, during an interview, to write code on a whiteboard for a problem I haven’t thought about and I will probably choke on it. For some reason people praise ‘well documented, well written OO PHP code’, but the same people (sometimes) want unintelligble one-line BASH hacks. No matter what the issues are, they can be fixed. To start a web dev career today, all I need is a good internet connection. Can you imagine if every plumber had to prove that they could snake pipes before they could work on someone’s plumbing? You can pretty much use the same comparison on developers – you definately need to know how they *think*, how their approach to a problem is, not to mention that you should try to discover if they have any potential beyond the level he/she is currently at. During the interview I use the following : a) put the resume down. We’re going to be dedicated to them, and we aren’t going to hire unless we believe they’re going to be dedicated to us. These things are easy to forget, and when you get a problem in an interview, you want the type of problem to be instantly recognizable. Had I known the fact that the candidate did not know where the emails would be stored on the server, I would ask him that question before giving the test. The software is a liability. The team interviews are generally a good filter, as Cal suggests, because you can’t easily BS an entire group of people. Don’t piss on yourself when you go to interview! Getting stuck in a coding interview is not game-over. To Daniel: Agreed, and that’s why to me, ‘coding test’ and ‘provide sample’ are very different things. The more you do, the better you’ll be. But with the exception of games, software stops being useful after only a few years, sometimes even a few months. I use code tests in all the interviews I give, even for senior level developers, because it weeds out those who genuinely cannot program. Plumbers would be even harder to get to your house than they are today. Lord knows I’ve done that enough. I suppose an ideal example wouldn’t replicate a built-in function, but in general the concept seems reasonable: ask for something stupidly simple just to make sure the person really “has” the language. In most cases I think you can spot good candidates a lot easier this way – provided of course that you do bring *some* code samples. Video solutions to the following interview problems with detailed explanations can be found here. Listen in particular say how the tech relates to the development process, the problem at hand etc. Do they jump to solve problems or just wait and watch? Just because you have been code for 10 years does not mean you are an architect or senior developer. Pretty much everything. If I were to go into a long term contract with a restaurant to supply us with lunch and diner, I definitely want to have eaten their food before I’d even consider it. Especially when it makes you sound like you’re better than everyone else. Elizabeth, why on earth do you consider such tests as free work? It also makes the company look bad. You will also here if they take responsibility, or blame others. I have been on both sides of the coin and on several different techniques. For all the talk of ‘agile’ and such, people still expect you to write ‘working’ code, on a whiteboard, *without* unit tests! They provide a large collection of coding interview questions and answers. I simply responsed “Are you serious? The make-or-break nature of exams is clearly a reflection of abundant supply of programmers versus very limited demand from software development companies. You are bad at giving technical interviews. Possibly the hiring organization has deemed this a reasonable trade off, but I agree with others that they would better off doing something more creative. Getting stuck during a coding interview can be really demoralizing. Anyway, live coding interviews can be good or bad, just calm down, do your best, keep your humor, and don't sweat it. As the applicant designs how to solve the problem, our team member codes, our team member will ask questions like “will this be the most efficient?”, “have you thought about the problem this way?” This exercise helps our team understand how the applicant will interact with us. This wasn’t a coup against our system. The biggest advantage of a ZCE to me is that it shows the candidate takes their career in PHP seriously and wants to be more than a Drupal configurator. Are you going to refuse to hire the likes of Marcus Boerger, Ilia Alshenetsky, Tobias Schlitt, etc — because they’re ZCE’s and/or helped write the exam? And make your decision based on how they think, how they learn, and how competent they are. Interviewing a developer is not a process that you can take shortcuts on. I repeat. If you are looking for a place to work, you should welcome those tests, not throw them away. How often, for example, will a front-end developer specializing in React have to traverse a B-Tree in a specific, algorithmic way? Totally agree. After obtaining the certificate if you manage to land a job as a junior, you will be more familiar with the industry jargon and theory. It seems always more efficient, and IMO more revealing, to interview them about their knowledge of code instead. Intro to Coding Interviews Picking a Language Leetcode Coding Interview Tips Mock Interviews Algorithms How to Learn Algorithms Simple Problems Loops Arrays Time Complexity Sorting Sets and Maps Stack Linked List Priority Queue Strings Two Pointers Recursion Backtracking Math Binary Search Bit Operations Graphs Depth-first Search Breadth-first Search Binary Trees … And although Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions does cost money, the price is modest compared to your earnings once you pass your interview and receive an offer from a FAANG. Here you are testing a) their ability to communicate – what is the thing they built, why is what they are proposing a mistake or an area of pain (smell in jargon), b) technical ability and c) ability to learn and d) the depth of their DEVELOPMENT experience (not language experience). If you noticed more than 2 of these signs it's unlikely you will receive the job offer. Asking someone to write a recursive function, for example, is an acceptable technique to weed out programmers from non-programmers. Also I have to say I agree Jon above. Let them. I’ve actually experienced this recently. Only recently have I started seeing companies use “code tests”, which I find a waste of my time and an insult as I’m being hired as a Lead Senior Developer and Architect. Even the smallest firm should give a code test. But more importantly everyone on the team sees the same interview. If you manage to by heart answers you’ll sure get the certificate. by Aline Lerner We analyzed thousands of coding interviews. But asking a programmer to write a complete application for you is like asking an electrician to build a small electrical grid for you before they work on your house. Just because of that fact, you will get alot of applicants who simply aren’t qualified in the slightest. He doesn’t administer a coding test. re:zce – I think the zend *framework* cert is probably more like what you’re thinking. Here's what they are, how to avoid them, and how to give yourself a leg up – … If you have an hour-long coding interview, you’ll likely only have 35-40 minutes of coding time. Point is you probe at what you expect them to know rather than make an assumption. If they are, they can ask better questions. They are all easily avoidable, so review the list and make sure none of them happen to you. @mark – the ‘what do you do when you’re more advanced than others at the company?’ – was addressed a bit earlier, but basically, probably don’t work there. Whether it’s “correct” or not doesn’t matter. These days, books on their own are somewhat of an uncommon choice as far as preparing for coding interviews goes, since grasping the intricacies of algorithms from a book (without practice) can be quite challenging. You’ll soon become familiar with the most common ... After studying it just a little, you quickly come to see why nested “for” loops are usually a bad programming solution. Before diving into code, most interviewers like to chitchat about your background. If an electrician screws up, we know he’s insured and we can sue for damages. I know a lot of people who have passed RHCE, MCSE and CISCO certifications but don’t know the basics of those technologies. @James said “To answer anon’s question about degrees, they are to be treated with caution.”. In life, we learn from our mistakes. From a command line shell”. Please try again. What to do when stuck# Getting stuck during coding interviews is extremely common. Yes, you. During the technical group coding exercise we have a member of our team be the code writer as the applicant is the designer. Ask questions (but not leading questions). It was after letting that one go and forcing a re-write of everything he’d done that we chose to perform code tests–no matter how “senior” their resume said they were or how many code samples they had in their briefcase. have fun. And only then once he’d failed asked: “Where does a server store mail on the server”, and got the ‘mutt’ answer. The coding questions are also tagged with the names of big tech companies that are known to use these specific questions in their interviews. I’ve worked/talked with a number of companies where the people (even the team leader) were clueless technically. Over here, we use a variation of the “coding test” approach: after choosing some applicant using short initial interviews, we *pay* the applicants to write some code, typically 1 day of work or less. Only a moron memorizes, and only a bigger moron thinks by doing so makes you a good programmer; being able to answer these types of questions demonstrates no programming skills. We’ve had candidates spent half a day and delivering it with design documentation, unit tests and api documentation, but that’s up to them. I think that’s where Open Source developers will always have a better advantage. To Sudheer: I disagree. And these people have a point — these interviews don’t represent real work. It has to be rewritten, not just to support new operating systems and hardware but because the problem changes or our understanding of the problem changes. This is absurd, for several reasons. Since it’s extraordinarily tough to guess which topics will be covered in an interview, the keenest strategy to prepare is to literally prepare for everything. And I think it should change subtly the way interviews work Period. I mean no offense to @Sudheer but requiring a coding exercise just to show how someone thinks is laziness on the part of the hiring manager. “I had a bad head cold and was coughing a lot. I asked the candidate, where the incoming emails stored on the server. Usually a few possible answers but the question will be laced with hints as to problem they’re trying to solve. I spent a few hours on one, sent it in, and didn’t even get the courtesy of a reply. But for anyone who has a body of code samples all ready to go, ask for one. How? Even if coding competition performance correlates positively with job performance in the general population (which it certainly does, given that most people can't code), selecting for this attribute in the hiring process leads to a. Hence, the companies I named. There is a risk that busy candidates won’t find time to attend an interview in the middle of the day that happens to coincide with when the interviewer was available. @Eli White: “Had you asked that question in the first place, you could have sorted that candidate out much quicker.”. That’s doing nobody any favors, least of whom your employer. I generally acknowledge that that *can* be done in a variety of shells, but I tend to do complex shell scripting in PHP (or on occasions ruby, groovy or perl). Yes this interview process take a minimum of 4 hours, but it weeds out a lot of the jokers. There are radical vantage points on what is the right way to interview on incoming software engineer for a specific or general position. I also completely disagree with the ZCE comments. I have trouble with these interviews because it takes me some time to read the code, figure out what its doing, and point out the flaws. And that the interviewer can then look over, and come up with lots of questions based upon it: “Why did you do this?” “Interesting technique there, was there a reason for it?” etc. But not the kind of people who can’t write rudimentary code. It’s an odd and somewhat dated process, but these interviews aren’t structured this way in order to optimize for modern implementation. The same applies for system administrators as well. People will often take interviews they don’t actually care about in order to get live practice in front of companies. These tests indicate a culture that plays it safe and lacks the ability|desire|competence to discern the A Players in their application pool. Those sorts of tests have a habit of reinforcing the company’s culture by ensuring only like-minded and like-abled people get in. I know, I’ve seen it happen. As you train more and more, you will develop a level of intuition around new problems. But when you are in the ‘I need a new job – stat’ situation, as Brandon is in. I’ll note, first, that yes, the traditional algorithmic interview isn’t a great gauge for actual programming ability. To fully prepare for your technical interview, you should always know the company, give a good first impression, understand body language, learn to talk about your projects, and be ready for a coding assignment. For these 7 steps to work, it goes without saying that you should have completed the bare minimum DS/Algo preparation required for the coding interviews. I have never considered applying for jobs in more than about 3 places at once, having researched them and decided they’d be good places to work. See why coding online tests and online whiteboard interview platforms are a better choice instead of in person whiteboarding interviews. Even if it’s not a ‘good’ sample. Wow, yeah, a 12-15 hour test is ridiculous. Sure, they wanted to ‘weed out’ the low-end people, but they’re weeding out qualified people who simply don’t have that sort of time to devote to something. What’s wrong with corporate job interviews? You’ve always worked for bigger companies than I have :). “Cracking Coding Interviews” by Gayle Laakmann McDowell is a good book, which has problem samples, solutions and explanations on how different companies approach hiring. I'll just throw out there that one reason I think coding interviews have some sort of value is because there are very few metrics to distinguish good engineers vs bad engineers when it comes to software engineering apart from Whether the tech chops are there or can be learned may be secondary to having to work day in and day out with people you don’t get along with. Are you feeling a little nervous because you have a coding interview coming up? “If you have never been a developer, you have no business managing developers.” And I DO agree with giving a coding test (though preferrably still a ‘take home’ version), to entry/junior level programmers. I know it sounds cliched, but this is a long-term thing, just like open source adoption has been long-term. ou raise a very valid point. If he contributes to OS Projects you can surely get a feel of his skills, is he has a ZCE you can get the feel for his focus on the career/language, combine those with his role in the local/intl. I've done a coding bootcamp which was full stack web development, but my technical skills are really lacking. So, if possible, don’t interview with your #1 choice company right away — schedule a few others first to maximize the practice you get ahead of time. I can tell you how to write these classes, I don’t have to write them on a freakin whiteboard”. You certainly can make out whether the candidate belongs to A grade category, by talking about relevant subjects for a while. Because if an interviewee has open source code and experience, their participation should factor into how the interview is done! I worked on one particular team where one of the leads didn’t have a clue on OOP or basic database design. This may be a little zen, but ask the person to come up with their own problem, and have them walk *you* through it. :). You can see if they fix or add subtle bugs. These coding tests should be done on a machine, not a pen and paper, with net access, and be testing how they solve a problem. Even the most prepared people can freeze up and fail interviews, so at some point you have to call it a day and jump into the deep end. But the Google interview is really hard. How to use programming questions to test candidates . If you do cracking the coding interview, you’ll find out that it is something you can get good at with enough practice, but boy the practice is … Here are my favorites. Rob… Why tech decisions were made. Many pay lip service to that idea, but few execute and continue to hold to those principals. If Pixar asked you apply for the Renderman team, I think I’d see you devote an 80-hour week to their test–even if they just asked you for Quicksort. In fact, with a bit of poking, you can find out *lots* more than even a few interviews can give you. The software engineer can solve problems and actually code. This provides me with an invaluable tool for evaluating their skill: I can see both the quality of code, as well as how they interact with others. Arrive Late or Not at All Open source DOES make a difference The world of ‘programming’ is far too broad for blanket statements like “It’s not a trade”. I think a coding test can be appropriate in an interview situation. I’ll just whiteboard out unit tests first, see if they even get what I’m doing. Coding interviews are tough. I won’t break new ground here but rather share personal experience – anything you see here is … The plumber example is flaw for the reason that hiring a developer is establishing a long term relationship with that person whereas a plumber will work for a relatively short period of time. Use these programming questions to evaluate candidates’ skills and hire the best programmers for your company. I can recommend this book because this is the book I used when I was preparing for my first coding interview. Just because someone has “senior level” on their resume does not mean they can do “senior-level” work. We've compiled a list of over 40 different practice coding interview questions, like the ones that you will see in coding interviews at Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Even more importantly you don’t know if the company is going to like you, willing to pay enough, etc. Oh my goodness – 15 applications per day? When I’ve done that in the past I tend to get raked over the coals by someone with less experience who likes to point out all the ‘mistakes’ I made on the whiteboard (to which I’d like to ask how much *real* coding they do without their editor, a keyboard, a screen, or for that matter unit tests). I have personally interviewed “Gurus” with 20 years experience who didn’t even know that you had to create an instance of a class before you could invoke its methods. @mkimsal The ZCE doesn’t talk about coding standards at all. I recently found myself interviewing for jobs for the first time in several years. If you want to work at a top tech firm, like Google or Facebook, we recommend you practice for: For more mid-range companies, like Series A/B startups, you can usually get away with less preparation: Yes, it is a lot of time, and you may be thinking “do I really need to prepare that much?”. To Rob: I understand about not wanting to pull your developer out. I’m a consultant and therefore I move from company to company a lot based on projects. People say things like “write a function to reverse an array without using php’s array_reverse()”. That’s really disrespectful, i was hired, but i soon after quit as the test sort of reflected the rest of the job. We have a quick discussion of the person, how they are performing and most importantly, how they are fitting into the team. Finally, it’s worth stating that you can also treat your first interviews as initial groundwork. Maintainer - Kevin Naughton Jr. Translations Are they the type to completely overengineer a simple task? Above IT there are software development firms, who should probably sit the candidate down in front of a workstation with a copy of the shop’s chosen compiler and ask them to create a basic “Address Book” or similar, which ought to take an hour or two. Algorithms: BFS, DFS, Binary Search, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Bit Manipulation (few interviewers give these, but cover them anyways). They set themselves up for a lot of problems when they do that, and not just when they get a “blub” who doesn’t want to learn anything sharper than Visual Basic or PHP. (P.S. Worse yet, he can derail it. Managers, HR departments and headhuters need to stop taking shortcuts in hiring because it only leads to hiring mistakes. They still have to take my test though! 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