… Performance tables: {{getResList(4).performanceTables}} 1/2 . BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Sample Marked Learner Work External Assessment- January 2018 Component 3: Health and Wellbeing. Qualification number: {{getResList(8).qualificationNumber}} Guided learning hours: {{getResList(7).guidedLearningHours}} A1 Human growth and development across the life stages Health and Wellbeing . Class of 2021 FMG Task 1C. Health & Social Care The BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care is an introduction to vocational learning. Performance tables: {{getResList(9).performanceTables}} Qualification number: {{getResList(4).qualificationNumber}} Performance tables: {{getResList(1).performanceTables}} GLH . Literacy Zone . There is the Pearson’s essential information about content for each grade with comments as well as guidance about the evidence of marking each but, which should please your External Standard Verifier and prevent being blocked! Class of 2021 FMG Task 1A. This is a bundle of documents to do the role play assignment for learning aim B, component 2. Last registration: {{getResList(10).lastRegistration}}, Let us know today and we'll make sure you have the latest news and support to guide you through your teaching.Let us know. ... Social and cultural factors: (2 at least) Eligible for funding (England): {{getResList(0).eligibleforfunding_England}} BTEC Tech Award: Level 2: Health and Social Care: Component 3. Component 3. Knowledge organisers for componen1, 2 and 3 for the BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care. Health and Social Care BTEC Firsts (level 1/2) Health and Social Care (2012) Case Studies with Activities Practice Exam Papers Starters and Plenaries Teaching Pack BTEC Tech Awards (Level 2) Health and Social Care (2017) Case Studies with Activities Course Companions Practice Set Tasks Starters and Plenaries e-revision Topic Tests Topic on a Page Learning Grids … Last registration: {{getResList(0).lastRegistration}}, Title: {{getResList(1).title}} How does the course work? Year 8 History. Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social … Total qualification time: {{getResList(2).totalQualificationTime}} Component title . Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and … Performance tables: {{getResList(3).performanceTables}} My Goals. Btec Award Level 2. Performance tables: {{getResList(6).performanceTables}} There is the Pearsonâs essential information about content for each grade with comments as well as guidance about the evidence of marking each but, which should please your External Standard Verifier and prevent being blocked! 1 . BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award. Class of 2021 FMG Task 1B. First external assessment: {{getResList(1).firstExternalAssessment}} registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Component title . Guided learning hours: {{getResList(3).guidedLearningHours}} BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care The BTEC First has been designed to be delivered through work related contexts, allowing students to develop an understanding of the nature of the health and social care sector. Class of 2021 Submitted work JNA. Performance tables: {{getResList(7).performanceTables}} Last registration: {{getResList(1).lastRegistration}}, Title: {{getResList(2).title}} web/ 10056 30 photocopiable A3 pages and 36 photocopiable A4 pages £59. A: Understand human growth and development across life stages and the factors that affect it . Start studying BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care - Component 3 Revision. You will be given a case study and will assess an individual’s health and wellbeing, drawing on their understanding of life events from Component 1. Why choose BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care? The course gives a balance of practical skill development and theoretical knowledge requirements. This is a good guide for teachers delivering and marking the BTEC Tech Award in Health & Social Care, Component 2 Assignment 1 and 2. hi everyone, I am currently doing health and social care BTEC tech award level 2 (equivalent to gcse) and i need help with this Section C of my homework Internal . Total qualification time: {{getResList(6).totalQualificationTime}} Students … P1 Describe health promotion and the purpose and aims of three different health promotion activities. Created: Feb 7, 2020| Updated: Jan 12, 2021. Tech Award 21117K Health and Social Care Component 3: Health and Wellbeing Task Feb 21: 05/02/2021 - PM Jun 21: 12/05/2021 - AM Feb 21: 05/02/2021 Jun 21: 12/05/2021 High control The supervised assessment must be completed in one sitting within the 2 hour session scheduled by Pearson. ď . Learners are required to assess an individual’s health and … Eligible for funding (England): {{getResList(9).eligibleforfunding_England}} Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE . During this year students will complete the final component of the BTEC Tech Award. Guided learning hours: {{getResList(0).guidedLearningHours}} Units of Study. Please choose the one you're interested in: BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Guide, BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care: Course Planner: One-year, Sample Assessment Materials - BTEC Level 1 and Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care, {{getResList(0).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(0).assetSize}}, {{getResList(1).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(1).assetSize}}, {{getResList(2).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(2).assetSize}}, {{getResList(3).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(3).assetSize}}, {{getResList(4).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(4).assetSize}}, {{getResList(5).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(5).assetSize}}, {{getResList(6).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(6).assetSize}}, {{getResList(7).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(7).assetSize}}, {{getResList(8).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(8).assetSize}}, {{getResList(9).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(9).assetSize}}, {{getResList(10).assetExtension}} | {{getResList(10).assetSize}}. It can be used for flipped learning before a taught lesson... used for consolidation during lesson... or set as homework! ICT and … Health and Social Care Component 3: Health and Wellbeing Paper Reference 21117K Wednesday 15 May 2019 Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award P63148A ©2019 Pearson Education Ltd. 1/1/1/1/1/1/1. First external assessment: {{getResList(8).firstExternalAssessment}} First teaching: {{getResList(5).firstTeaching}} Induction unit. Synoptic External BTEC Health and Social Care. SECTION A: Assessing health and wellbeing You are a healthcare assistant at Ashbrooke Surgery. Eligible for funding (England): {{getResList(5).eligibleforfunding_England}} Immediate dispatch … P4/M3/D3. Preview. Btec Award Level 2 > Component 3 > Exam papers. Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development. Internal . Last registration: {{getResList(6).lastRegistration}}, Title: {{getResList(7).title}} Different types of health promotion. First teaching: {{getResList(1).firstTeaching}} Author: Created by missibbotson. How assessed . Qualification number: {{getResList(7).qualificationNumber}} {{ qualification.subjects.length }} qualifications, {{ qualification.subjects.length }} qualification, {{translateWord(navigationJson.qualificationTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.subjectTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.supportTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.aboutusTitle)}}, {{translateWord(navigationJson.contactusTitle)}}, {{getTranslatedWord(facetItem.formattedFacetValue)}} ({{facetItem.count}}), Sign up to receive subject advisor emails, {{ qualification.title | titleCaseFilter }}, {{spec.title | cleanTitle }} ({{spec.qfTitle | titleCaseFilter}}), {{spec.title | cleanTitle}} ({{spec.qfTitle | titleCaseFilter}}). Units of Study ... P1 Describe health promotion and the purpose and aims of three different health promotion activities. BTEC TECH AWARD IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE EXAM BOARD: PEARSON EDEXCEL QUALIFICATION: BTEC LEVEL 2 TECH AWARD 40% SYNOPTIC ASSESSMENT Health and Wellbeing – external assessment - 2 hrs. Conditions. 36 . Total qualification time: {{getResList(7).totalQualificationTime}} Pearson BTEC Level 1/ Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care Unit number and title Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values Learning aim(s) (For NQF only) B: Demonstrate care values and review own practice Assignment title Assessor Issue date Hand in deadline Vocational Scenario or Context As part of your studies, you will have learnt about the care … 1/2 . BTEC Health and Social Care is a work-related course. 1/2 . Sport, Activity and Fitness, and got a Level 2 Merit: Amanda studied the BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care, and got a Level 1 Pass: A BTEC Tech Award is made up of three components, two of which are internally assessed via assignments which are set, marked and verified in your school, and one which is externally assessed. You do not need any other materials. For more free and small charge resource packages for the delivery of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Health & Social Care resources, visit my TES shop and find them all in one place, with a handy serch facility, to cut down on time. You have been asked to assess the health … 36 . Eligible for funding (England): {{getResList(2).eligibleforfunding_England}} Students receive 3 lessons a week studying 3 components, component 1 and 2 are coursework and component 3 is assessed by an exam. Btec Level 3. 36 . Guided learning hours: {{getResList(1).guidedLearningHours}} Aims of health promotion. Part 2. First external assessment: {{getResList(3).firstExternalAssessment}} First external assessment: {{getResList(4).firstExternalAssessment}} Qualification number: {{getResList(1).qualificationNumber}} Guided learning hours: {{getResList(6).guidedLearningHours}} Health and Social Care BTEC Firsts (level 1/2) Health and Social Care (2012) Case Studies with Activities Practice Exam Papers Starters and Plenaries Teaching Pack BTEC Tech Awards (Level 2) Health and Social Care (2017) Case Studies with Activities Course Companions Practice Set Tasks Starters and Plenaries e-revision Topic Tests Topic on a Page Learning Grids … Last registration: {{getResList(3).lastRegistration}}, Title: {{getResList(4).title}} Guided learning hours: {{getResList(8).guidedLearningHours}} This is a good guide for teachers delivering and marking the BTEC Tech Award in Health & Social Care, Component 2 Assignment 1 and 2. Č. Ċ. BTEC_L1-L2_Tech_Award_Health_and_Social_Care_21430K_Add_SAM.pdf (701k) Claire Watts, 11 … Everything you need to know on the content of Component 3 of our new BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care. Created: Mar 12, 2019. Eligible for funding (England): {{getResList(6).eligibleforfunding_England}} 3 . BTEC Assignment Brief Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 1/ Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care Unit number and title Component 1-Human Lifespan Development Learning aim(s) (For NQF only) B: Investigate how individuals deal with life events Assignment title Coping with life Assessor Issue date Hand in deadline Vocational Scenario or Context As part of your … Identifying and understanding GCSE History. The Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care (Qualification Number: 603/0395/5) is for learners who wish to acquire knowledge, understanding and technical skills through vocational contexts as part of their Key Stage 4 learning. Topic on a Page for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care All pages come in A3 and A4 format! London WC1R 4HQ. Providing good health and social care services is very important and a set of ‘care values’ exists to ensure this happens. Qualification number: {{getResList(2).qualificationNumber}} 1 . Learning Aim A – Factors that affect health and well being . Class of 2021 Submitted work FMG. Qualification number: {{getResList(6).qualificationNumber}} Year 9 History. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. They will design a health and wellbeing improvement plan that draws on their knowledge of services and care values from Component 2. Total qualification time: {{getResList(9).totalQualificationTime}} Care values are important because they enable people who use health and social care services to … Learning Aim C – Person –centred health and well being RAG. First external assessment: {{getResList(2).firstExternalAssessment}} Level . Eligible for funding (England): {{getResList(3).eligibleforfunding_England}} This question expects two distinct answers, as indicated by the … Eligible for funding (England): {{getResList(7).eligibleforfunding_England}} Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and Values Learning aim A: Understand the different types of health and social care services and barriers to accessing them Case study 1: Verna and Sam Williams Verna Williams is forty-eight years old and lives with her husband Sam, Start studying BTEC TECH AWARD IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE - COMPONENT 3 - LEARNING AIM B - STARTER. Qualification number: {{getResList(3).qualificationNumber}} Personal, social and health education / World of work, Vocational studies / Health and social care, https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/HSCresources, BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health & Social Care Component 2 LA-A Services, professionals and barriers, BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care A1 and A2 spec + exam, BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health & Social Care Component 2 LA-B Care Values X 7 and assessment, BTEC L3 Unit 12 Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs LAA, BTEC L3 Unit 12 Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs LAB, BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care; Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice LAA resources, Checklist for Seniors, Pensioners & Caregivers. The second part of your report should focus on the different factors which have had an effect on your chosen individual, throughout the three, different life stages. Aims of health promotion. Human Lifespan Development . 2h 00m Component number . BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care Component 2 Learning Aim B Role Play Assignment (no rating) 0 customer reviews. Start studying BTEC TECH AWARD IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE - COMPONENT 3 - LEARNING AIM B - STARTER. Information for students and teachers of our BTEC Tech Awards in Health and Social Care Level 1 and 2, including key documents and the latest news. Start studying BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care - Component 3 Revision. Immediate dispatch Topic on a Page for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care - Component 3 . The course comprises of 3 units: Human Lifespan Development Health and Social Care Services and Values Health and Wellbeing. BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care Exam Board: Pearson Further information: https://qualifications.pearson.com Additional support: Study support after school 3-5pm Course Outlines Year 9 Autumn Half Term 1 Autumn Half Term 2 Human Lifespan Development Main lifestages, areas of growth and development. Each of the BTEC Tech Award Level 2 > Component 3 > Assignment 1 Part 2+3 of 24 1a! That affect Health and Social Care - Component 3 Revision pages £59 in their Assignment 2 registered! Is made up of … BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care sector is to! Studies are included for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care - Component 3 is assessed an! Very important and a set of ‘ Care values ’ exists to ensure this.... Start for each of the BTEC Tech Awards BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care.... 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