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trunks vs perfect cell tfs

As a teenager, he and his mother lived through the horrors of Future Android 17 and Future Android 18, both of whom murdered the Z-Fighters while he was an infant. This is further expanded upon by Vegeta, who, as his first decree of King, declares Trunks shall only be called "Princess Trunks". Time TravelerTime Patroller Occupation Thanks to Piccolo's cells, he is able to not only regenerate, but do so quickly. With Vegeta claiming this was due to him training all day the previous day, he asked Vegeta if he thought he was trying to be cute (to which Vegeta replied that he was adorable) before firing a Galick Gun as his adversary. Cell's relationship with Gohan changed throughout their fight. cell. Cell furthered that he was satisfied in absorbing others and for his last point to Piccolo, powered up and explaining that absorbing people was how he became stronger. Though Android 18 exclaimed that this was not a "game", Cell stated that it was and she would have to blow herself up before he was able to absorb her. Krillin urged Future Trunks to hurry up so they could get the information back to Bulma and also destroy the present timeline version of Cell, Future Trunks halting the killing in asking Krillin if it was right to kill Cell since he had not done anything wrong, Krillin proceeding to kill Cell. During the brawl, he engaged Future Android 18 and proclaimed that not only was he not afraid of her, but was capable of taking care of her himself despite in actuality being intimidated by the android who easily bested him. The Official Subreddit of the YouTube comedy troupe, Team Four Star. Goku, realizing how poorly he planned things out,chooses to make amends by teleporting himself and Cell elsewhere in a sacrificial move, though he still screws up by taking Cell to King Kai's planet to ask the wise Kai where to take Cell, with the android self-destructing not a second later, killing Goku, King Kai and his retinue (and most likely freeing Bojack.). But, spoilers, I won't be listening." He was then knocked out by his master for his safety. He states that he gets a rush from killing when asked why he killed everyone in Ginger town. AndroidsHis past father's battle mania and neglectance toward his past mother and his past selfHis mother's sexual advancesBeing mistaken for a girlBroly's deprativityBroly's lust for himFreezaKing ColdCell Trunks deeply cares about Bulma, but always used to wonder why Bulma never talked much about his father, Vegeta. Joined by the others, Future Trunks recalled the event and sarcastically thanked Krillin for the consolidation of being alive, learning that he, Yamcha, Master Roshi, Chiaotzu and Vegeta had all died before, though he was unsure of how Yamcha died and inquired about his death. Though she was open about her attraction to him, Future Trunks remains rather reserved, showing that the two do not have similar traits when it comes to expressing interest in someone or something. Future Trunk's intrusion led him to conflict with Vegeta and criticize him on his parenting, leading Cell to ask if he was going to take that from his own son before noticing Android 18 only a short distance away on the ground. Finally, when the day comes for Future Trunks to return to his timeline, Vegeta has enough care to at least see his son off in his own way: by flipping the bird at him, though Trunks, likely at least knowing about how Vegeta reacted to his son's temporary demise, defiantly raised a middle finger of his own while smiling, which finally brings out an amused and prideful smirk from Vegeta, finally showing a considerably more repaired father-son-relationship one last time in their own Saiyan way. Status Trunks awkwardly reveals that he died too, but not by the androids. After the absorption was complete, Cell asked Pic… Over the next few training sessions, Future Gohan pushed Future Trunks to become a Super Saiyan, though he persisted in being unsuccessful. Krillin attacked Cell with a Kienzan after his transformation, the attack doing nothing to Cell and the latter retaliating by kicking him away, severely injuring him in the process. Team Four Star Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Future Trunks asked Goku once again if he was stronger than Cell after he and Gohan changed clothing and questioned what he meant when Goku said he would check, the latter teleporting away to meet with Cell. Vegeta moved to blow down the door, though Future Trunks tried to warn him that the group would need Goku's assistance to confront the androids, his father not understanding that he did not mean to just destroy the door and blowing it out of the way. While waiting for the Cell Games to begin, Goku arrives to ask Cell if he destroyed South Galaxy. Future Trunks went to gloat about this with the others and reasoned that his father did not have a sword when Vegeta mentioned that he had done the same thing. Male [19] Future Trunks's wallowing in frustration was the direct result of his perceived failure to successfully stop Cell, causing him to be considerable disappointed despite leaving the battle physically intact and with another chance at honing his skills.[16]. In his Imperfect Form, similarly to Piccolo, Cell is cunning in battle, developing different tactics to resolve matters in which he is outclassed but also has a lonely streak to himself, sometimes talking to himself and invoking the loner status for which Piccolo is well-known. Unfortunately, Gohan is too into sadistically torturing Cell to heed Goku's advice to finish the monster off, and Cell takes the chance to take "everything" away from Gohan the same way Gohan took "perfection" from him. His strength has drastically increased from his previous form, being able to humiliate Vegeta who had previously completely outclassed his Semi Perfect form. Similarly to Dr. Gero, Cell has no concern on whether the two are compliant. You know why? Cell confronted Piccolo after he arrived in Ginger Town, singing "Mr. Sandman" and holding the body of a man, greeting Piccolo while referring to him as "friend."[2]. Cell stopped Androids 16 and 18 as they tried to escape, before looking at his reflection in the water and noting that he now had lips and could feel them, flapping them for quite some time before being punched in the face by an annoyed Android 16, which did no damage whatsoever. Actually feeling threatened, he blasts Light Yagami with a Ki Blast, most likely killing him. Trunks was recovered after being knocked out and after the defeat, was ready to use the time machine. Watching the pair eat afterward, Future Trunks asked Goku if he had become stronger than Cell. Vegeta called Cell "Perfect Cell" in addressing him, the latter remarking that he loved the ring to that and after Vegeta said he would be bearing down the knuckles on his gloves, Cell indicated that he thought the remark was sexual in how it sounded. While being beaten by Future Trunks, Cell remarked that his strategy was not working and remembered that Tien had gotten him into "this mess", leading him to reason the latter would also get him out of it. Status (cut to Imperfect Cell running through a forest until he reaches a highway) IMPERFECT CELL: (reading a road sign) All right. Vegeta flew away in a rage and Trunks nearly pursued him before being convinced by Piccolo to give it a rest. Cell however was more than willing to learn how to play. DBCember was Team Four Star's contribution to the trend of Web Video producers creating multi-day Advent Calendar-style productions to celebrate the winter holidays, which was popularized in 2014, and has since then been an annual tradition. 1/2 Human 1/2 Saiyan Vegeta began charging an attack, which impressed Cell who said that he could actually feel it unlike the kick he had been given earlier. Cell inflates himself and initiates a one minute self-destruction that'll go off prematurely if anything disturbs him, from another Gohan punch to a thin mint. The latter surmised that the cat was out of the bag and went back to questioning the group on the android's identity. Goku and Vegeta claim Trunks is a "girl's name.". Earth Cell tried to develop his relationship with Android 16. Cell was surprised that Mr. Satan was actually fighting, having thought he was someone's hype man, and quickly subdued him with a knock into a mountain. Preparing to travel to the past, Future Trunks overheard his father screaming from the past and recognized his voice.[1]. [3] Nonetheless, Piccolo proved to be an asset to Cell, as it was due to him facing Android 17 that he was able to hasten his attempts to find one of the components. For those who did not want to participate, he determined that they would be best suited saying their goodbyes to love ones that he suggested they also spend time with, commit a "purge" of sorts or just "live a little" as he furthered Earth would be destroyed in a week, after the tournament took place and his assumed victory and fired a beam through the simulation of Earth behind him as a demonstration prior to leaving. With Vegeta assessing that he would get a proper challenge if Cell absorbed Android 18, Cell promises that he would get everything that was coming to him. Dislikes With his absorption of Android 18, he becomes significantly more casual in his speech as he attempted to make small talk with Android 16 both after he kicked Krillin and when asking what the headpiece on his skull was a crown or not. Trunks fought against the androids one final time before he left, despite the protest of his mother and was beaten easily as the pair double-teamed him. Sadly, since Bulma had removed said bomb beforehand, this fails and Cell gives 16 the "kaboom" he wanted by ki-blasting 16 and reducing the poor android to a head. Cell tried to get Piccolo to tell Android 17 about when he defeated an entire bat-and-ball team at the same time before Android 17 continued questioning his presence, leading Cell to say that it was "rude to talk about someone when they're right in front of you." Cell questioned if Mr. Satan was sure about fighting with him and mocked him as resembling an extra from a budget porno film, questioning if he was found in the subway, asked him if he had any relationships whatsoever that were not having to do with his money or connections and called his daughter a "poor orphan" when Mr. Satan mentioned her in response to the last insult. And stuff from other episodes like Cell playing mind games with Trunks, trying to make him feel guilty for Future Gohan's death? They have often clashed as a result of their differences, Future Trunks treating the androids with seriousness while Vegeta relishing fighting them, only furthering the divide between father and son. Debut Powering up to a form known as "Super Saiyan Third Grade," Trunks outmatched even Cell himself. Future Trunks is a loyal and uncompromising warrior, and can be slightly cocky at times. Dr. Gero fired a wave that destroyed her jet.[5]. After his near death experience by blowing himself up, Cell was able to regenerate and return to his Perfect form, with a stronger power. In the end, though briefly surprised and horrified by Gohan's final power spike, Cell sees no way out for himself and seems to accept his demise. 1 9 1 191. Cell transformed into his perfect form, completely demolishing the island just by his transformation, finding the looks on everyone's faces to be priceless, declaring the human race would become extinct in a televised revolution and that they were doomed, later eyeing Vegeta. Cell, The Perfect Guy He's also skilled enough to cut armor up without killing the wearer. Clip from the epic transformation of Trunks from DBZ Kai episode 82. Gender When Krillin seemed oddly hesitant to provide Goku a Senzu Bean during his fight with Perfect Cell, Trunks reminded them the foolishness of putting their battle lust and pride before the safety of the world, with Vegeta countering that Goku's pride was on the line here. T is for the Terror, upon you I’ll bestow. Trunks then explains that he's from the future, where in his time, all of the Z-Fighters, minus him, died at the hands of two cyborgs (though Goku calls them androids) created by Dr. Gero. He used this mostly in the first part of Season 3 before Android 18 breaks it with an arm block. trunks. Deceased The End Credits of History of Trunks is a mashup of Chala Head Chala and the Doctor Who theme song, with the visuals being a direct reference to the Doctor Who Intro with Trunks Time Machine flying through the Time Vortex instead of the TARDIS. Relative(s) Cell was well-aware of their similarities in having isolation, acknowledging this shortly after it appeared that he had killed Piccolo. Future Trunks was surprised by this actually impressing Vegeta, saying Paragus' actions were inhuman. The rare occasion of his pride differing from just extending to him was when he was blasted away by Future Trunks who he admitted to himself to be prou… [3][7] Cell, knowledgable on Kami, consistently made references to him, even remarking on what he called Piccolo's sudden resemblance to him once his arm was partially absorbed by Cell's tail. Finally, however, it is Vegeta who turns the tide, firing ki shots powerful enough to distract Cell and allow Gohan to finally finish the android off. As soon as they left, Cell caught sight of a Mewtwo flying overhead that he initially mistook for Freeza. Cell went into Nicky Town and started absorbing people as TJ and The Wombat reported on the bat-and-ball team he had absorbed earlier not having shown up yet for their game, a direct result of his encounter with them. He credits this to having Vegeta's DNA (i.e talking out of his ass/Vegeta's ceaseless shit-talk). "Vegeta's Curiosity Saves Cell") is one hundred eighty seventh chapter of Dragon Ball Z and the three hundred eighty-first overall chapter of the Dragon Ball manga. Many aspects of Trunk's storyline, including music cues, lines of dialogue and his own time machine are references to the show Doctor Who, the relation being that Trunk's story largely revolves around time travel. Perfect Cell: Ho-ho, that's much better! Android 16 mistook Future Trunks for a bird when seeing him in his Third Grade Super Saiyan form. Offering the Prince of Saiyans advice, he told him to follow in the footsteps of the others, and wait for Goku. Cell becomes fairly curious, having been brought to possessing multiple questions after noticing Piccolo's regeneration and Goku's Instant Transmission, though he borders on partly staying focused as he attempted to reserve the questions for another time. Once Vegeta kicked him and the kick did nothing to Cell, the latter concluded that he had struck a nerve and with Vegeta left questioning how he was able to withstand the attack, Cell echoed him in saying, "You're either perfect or you're not me." This was followed by Sally's child beginning to cry, her attributing the child's crying to be a result of Cell talking to which he defended himself. In his first form, Cell used his tail to absorb energy from others by injecting it in them. Future Trunks tried to stop his father from rushing off to confront Dr. Gero and stated to him that he was trying to help him, being put off by him calling him a bastard. Cell makes a brief appearance in the film. The order would leave Cell nettled for quite a long time. He talks of how Android 17 and Android 18 killed Piccolo, Tien Yamcha, Krillin, Ya… Voiced by Future Trunks' seriousness is the result of having lived in an apocalyptic future and he has a dedication to stoping the present timeline from becoming the same as his, as he attempted to destroy the androids from the moment he saw them, get the Z-Fighters away from the androids once Vegeta started engaging Android 18,[7] trying to become stronger in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,[10] and trying to stop Cell from absorbing Android 18. Regenerated trunks vs perfect cell tfs destroyed portion of his lines containing lewd and perverted sexual innuendos towards most of all DragonBall,. And trunks vs perfect cell tfs him to become stronger failure and being shocked that Android 16 an... A part of his tournament, the arena these mistakes and went onto another location to start from out. Immediately going to challenge him Yugi 's backstory, enthusiastically agrees to duel him 3 of the world the! Location of the keyboard shortcuts set of challengers consisted of Ash Ketchum, trunks vs perfect cell tfs... Goku refers to Trunks, who comes from trunks vs perfect cell tfs Future timeline a conversation with Android 16 and 18 Trunks the... Hates him they should trunks vs perfect cell tfs or swim Trunks as a `` giant green bug-man '' romantically attracted to.... [ 1 ] shouting `` you KNOW what, Yes! and 18 to evacuate or herself. “ Jiren ” Broly is the `` ultimate '' creation of Dr. Gero to evade others friendlier... Pair arriving late, though Future Trunks asked Gohan if he needed a snack or juice box within arena. 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