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where is jerusalem located

As of 2009[update], out of 150,100 schoolchildren, 59,900 or 40% are in state-run secular and National Religious schools, while 90,200 or 60% are in Haredi schools. The war of 1948 resulted in the division of Jerusalem, so that the old walled city lay entirely on the Jordanian side of the line. [302], Some states, such as Russia[303] and China,[304] recognize the Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. [278] Following the resolution, 22 of the 24 countries that previously had their embassy in (West) Jerusalem relocated them in Tel Aviv, where many embassies already resided prior to Resolution 478. The city is home to the Knesset,[299] the Supreme Court,[300] the Bank of Israel, the National Headquarters of the Israel Police, the official residences of the President and Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and all ministries except for the Ministry of Defense (which is located in central Tel Aviv's HaKirya district) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (which is located in Rishon LeZion, in the wider Tel Aviv metropolitan area, near Beit Dagan). [130] On Solomon's death, ten of the northern Tribes of Israel broke with the United Monarchy to form their own nation, with its kings, prophets, priests, traditions relating to religion, capitals and temples in northern Israel. Most of the air pollution in Jerusalem comes from vehicular traffic. [210] Complementing this building code, which is still in force, is the discouragement of heavy industry in Jerusalem; only about 2.2% of Jerusalem's land is zoned for "industry and infrastructure." Zion 3. A messianic Karaite movement to gather in Jerusalem took place at the turn of the millennium, leading to a "Golden Age" of Karaite scholarship there, which was only terminated by the Crusades. "[274] This indeed took place, and since the beginning of 1950 all branches of the Israeli government—legislative, judicial, and executive—have resided there, except for the Ministry of Defense, which is located at HaKirya in Tel Aviv. The highest recorded temperature in Jerusalem was 44.4 °C (111.9 °F) on 28 and 30 August 1881, and the lowest temperature recorded was −6.7 °C (19.9 °F) on 25 January 1907. [189] The Khwarezmian Tatars were driven out by the Ayyubids in 1247. The town is named after the ancient city of Jerusalem. Under Herod, the area of the Temple Mount doubled in size. When Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, Jerusalem and Judea came under Macedonian control, eventually falling to the Ptolemaic dynasty under Ptolemy I. NYU Press, pp. The city of Jerusalem is located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. Roman rule over Jerusalem and the region was challenged in the First Jewish–Roman War, which ended with a Roman victory. It has negihbors Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 58/292 affirmed that the Palestinian people have the right to sovereignty over East Jerusalem. Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman, Israel Finkelstein, Amihay Mazar, Brian B. Schmidt, (eds.). The 3,000-year-old[228] Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery was desecrated, with gravestones used to build roads, latrines and Jordanian army fortifications. The city is characterized by a hot-summer Mediterranean climate (Köppen: Csa), with hot, dry summers, and mild, wet winters. أُورُشَلِيمَ-القُدس. The Jerusalem Central Bus Station, located on Jaffa Road, is the busiest bus station in Israel. An ancient settlement of Jerusalem, founded as early as the Bronze Age on the hill above the Gihon Spring, was, according to the Bible named Jebus (e.g., Judges 19:10: יְב֔וּס הִ֖יא יְרוּשָׁלִָ֑ם: "Jebus, it [is] Jerusalem"[73]). [383], Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the national government has remained a major player in Jerusalem's economy. [147], Following the Bar Kokhba revolt, Emperor Hadrian combined Iudaea Province with neighboring provinces under the new name of Syria Palaestina, replacing the name of Judea. Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and routes between Jerusalem and locations in the West Bank are served by the East Jerusalem Central Bus Station, a transportation hub located near the Old City's Damascus Gate. 101, December 1996, (English, p. 88), The Jewish injunction to pray toward Jerusalem comes in the, History of the Jews in the Byzantine Empire, Politics of the Palestinian National Authority, influenced by ideological bias or background, Jerusalem during the Second Temple Period, History of Jerusalem during the Early Muslim period, History of Jerusalem during the Middle Ages, History of Jerusalem during the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1860 civil war in Mount Lebanon and the Damascus massacre, Jerusalem Subdistrict, Mandatory Palestine, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194, United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, major parts of the Arab territory allotted to the future Arab State, Jordan, which had concluded a defense agreement with Egypt on 30 May 1967, attacked Israeli-held West Jerusalem on the war's second day, National Headquarters of the Israel Police, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 58/292, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, The National Campus for the Archaeology of Israel, The Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, List of Israeli twin towns and sister cities, "East Jerusalem today – Palestine's Capital: The 1967 border in Jerusalem and Israel's illegal policies on the ground", "Localities, Population and Density per Sq. [331], In 2005, the total population grew by 13,000 (1.8%)—similar to the Israeli national average, but the religious and ethnic composition is shifting. [note 5] Modern scholars argue that Jews branched out of the Canaanite peoples and culture through the development of a distinct monolatrous – and later monotheistic – religion centered on El/Yahweh,[24][25][26] These foundational events, straddling the dawn of the 1st millennium BCE, assumed central symbolic importance for the Jewish people. [120], This period, when Canaan formed part of the Egyptian empire, corresponds in biblical accounts to Joshua's invasion,[121] but almost all scholars agree that the Book of Joshua holds little historical value for early Israel. [82] However that may be, later Rabbinic sources also equate Salem with Jerusalem, mainly to link Melchizedek to later Temple traditions. However, there is to be a "center place," or capital city, of Zion. The mountains of Judah belong to him, to the God of Jerusalem". Egypt is a country. In 1881 the Diskin Orphanage was founded in Jerusalem with the arrival of Jewish children orphaned by a Russian pogrom. Jerusalem is seat of a first-order administrative division with population of ∼801.0 thousand. [267][268] Palestinians regard Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine,[269] and the city's borders have been the subject of bilateral talks. By the time of the armistice that ended active fighting, Israel had control of 12 of Jerusalem's 15 Arab residential quarters. [151][162], Byzantine Jerusalem was conquered by the Arab armies of Umar ibn al-Khattab in 638 CE. Construction is progressing on parts of a 35-kilometer (22 mi) ring road around the city, fostering faster connection between the suburbs. For other uses, see, From upper left: Jerusalem skyline looking north from, Overview of Jerusalem's historical periods, Divided city: Jordanian and Israeli rule (1948–1967), Government precinct and national institutions. [421] While many schools in the heavily Arab East Jerusalem are filled to capacity and there have been complaints of overcrowding, the Jerusalem Municipality is building over a dozen new schools in the city's Arab neighborhoods. [389][390], A new master plan for the city will see many high-rise buildings, including skyscrapers, built in certain, designated areas of downtown Jerusalem. The Palestinian National Authority views East Jerusalem as occupied territory according to United Nations Security Council Resolution 242. [425] The 20-acre (81,000 m2) museum complex comprises several buildings featuring special exhibits and extensive collections of Judaica, archaeological findings, and Israeli and European art. Resolution 181 (II). Jerusalem is located on the Middle East. In addition, a complex for the city's courts and the prosecutor's office will be built, as well as new buildings for Central Zionist Archives and Israel State Archives. Neighboring cities and towns include Bethlehem and Beit Jala to the south, Abu Dis and Ma'ale Adumim to the east, Mevaseret Zion to the west, and Ramallah and Giv'at Ze'ev to the north.[316][317][318]. Neighborhoods. [181] Jerusalem enjoyed a prosperous period of renewal and peace under Suleiman the Magnificent—including the rebuilding of magnificent walls around the Old City. The 2000 Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem lists 1204 synagogues, 158 churches, and 73 mosques within the city. [133] Construction of the Second Temple was completed in 516 BCE, during the reign of Darius the Great, 70 years after the destruction of the First Temple.[134][135]. Other early Hebrew sources,[78] early Christian renderings of the verse[79] and targumim,[80] however, put Salem in Northern Israel near Shechem (Sichem), now Nablus, a city of some importance in early sacred Hebrew writing. [81] Possibly the redactor of the Apocryphon of Genesis wanted to dissociate Melchizedek from the area of Shechem, which at the time was in possession of the Samaritans. The Moroccan Quarter, which was located adjacent to the Western Wall, was evacuated and razed[243] to make way for a plaza for those visiting the wall. The proportion of the Jewish population fell from 74% in 1967 to 72% in 1980, to 68% in 2000, and to 64% in 2010. The Jerusalem Light Rail initiated service in August 2011. Jews were prohibited from entering the city on pain of death, except for one day each year, during the holiday of Tisha B'Av. In the last few years, thousands of Palestinians have moved to previously fully Jewish neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, built after the 1967 Six-Day War. Throughout centuries of exile, Jerusalem remained alive in the hearts of Jews everywhere as the focal point of Jewish history, the symbol of ancient glory, spiritual fulfillment and modern renewal. [265], The status of the city, and especially its holy places, remains a core issue in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. [219] Barbed wire and concrete barriers ran down the center of the city, passing close by Jaffa Gate on the western side of the old walled city, and a crossing point was established at Mandelbaum Gate slightly to the north of the old walled city. [17] In 1538, the city walls were rebuilt for a last time around Jerusalem under Suleiman the Magnificent. Is Egypt in Jerusalem? [196] In the mid 19th century, the Ottomans constructed the first paved road from Jaffa to Jerusalem, and by 1892 the railroad had reached the city. [126][127], According to the Bible, King David reigned for 40 years[128] and was succeeded by his son Solomon,[129] who built the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah. In short, Israelite culture was largely Canaanite in nature. [86] Israeli or Jewish nationalists claim a right to the city based on Jewish indigeneity to the land, particularly their origins in and descent from the Israelites, for whom Jerusalem is their capital, and their yearning for return. [34] For approximately a year, before it was permanently switched to the Kaaba in Mecca, the qibla (direction of prayer) for Muslims was Jerusalem. On 2 October 1977, the Israeli cabinet approved the plan, and seven neighborhoods were subsequently built on the city's eastern edges. (pp. Where is Golgotha located in Jerusalem? The study also found that about nine percent of the Old City's 32,488 people were Jews. [352] Since 1991, Palestinians who make up the majority of the residents in the area have only received 30% of the building permits. Throughout its long history, the city has been destroyed several times, attacked at least 50 times, and captured and recaptured over 40 times. [206] In 1922, the League of Nations at the Conference of Lausanne entrusted the United Kingdom to administer Palestine, neighbouring Transjordan, and Iraq beyond it. The companies operate from Jerusalem Central Bus Station. [439] In 1974 the Jerusalem Cinematheque was founded. [15][16] In the Canaanite period (14th century BCE), Jerusalem was named as Urusalim on ancient Egyptian tablets, probably meaning "City of Shalem" after a Canaanite deity. ), International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Rights-Based Approach to Middle East Peace, Routledge, 2010 p.119. They became known as the Ring Neighborhoods. We'll never divide our heart. [307], Apart from the mayor and his deputies, City Council members receive no salaries and work on a voluntary basis. [319] Snowfall is rare, and large snowfalls are even more rare. [176] Jerusalem was captured in 1073 by the Seljuk Turkish commander Atsız. The Tombs of the Sanhedrin, an underground complex of 63 rock-cut tombs, is located in a public park in the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Sanhedria. The Rockefeller Museum, located in East Jerusalem, was the first archaeological museum in the Middle East. [455] The most popular Palestinian football club is Jabal Al Mukaber (since 1976) which plays in West Bank Premier League. Welcome! [22], According to Peace Now, approvals for building in Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem have expanded by 60% since Trump became U.S. president in 2017. [291][292][293][294], In April 2017, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced it viewed Western Jerusalem as Israel's capital in the context of UN-approved principles which include the status of East Jerusalem as the capital of the future Palestinian state. The United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 478 on 20 August 1980, which declared that the Jerusalem Law is "a violation of international law", is "null and void and must be rescinded forthwith". The rest of the city "... was called Iliya, reflecting the Roman name given the city following the destruction of 70 CE: Aelia Capitolina". It is positioned in "Asia/Jerusalem" time zone ( GMT+2 ) with current time of 06:11 PM, Monday (difference from your time zone: hours). There is material evidence … [437] The station itself has become a venue for cultural events in recent years as the site of Shav'ua Hasefer (an annual week-long book fair) and outdoor music performances. [157], In the Siege of Jerusalem of 614, after 21 days of relentless siege warfare, Jerusalem was captured. [387] During the British Mandate, a law was passed requiring all buildings to be constructed of Jerusalem stone in order to preserve the unique historic and aesthetic character of the city. Leslie J. Hoppe. The population was 4,469 at the 2010 census. After taking the solidly defended city by assault, the Crusaders massacred most of its Muslim and Jewish inhabitants, and made it the capital of their Kingdom of Jerusalem. The Town of Jerusalem is on the south border of the county and is southwest of Geneva, New York. According to the poll, 40% of Palestinian residents would prefer to leave their neighborhoods if they would be placed under Palestinian rule.[273]. On 10 July, Foreign Minister Abba Eban explained to the UN Secretary General: "The term 'annexation' which was used by supporters of the vote is not accurate. "Netanyahu: 'Jerusalem is the heart of the nation. [271] A poll conducted in June 2013 found that 74% of Israeli Jews reject the idea of a Palestinian capital in any portion of Jerusalem, though 72% of the public regarded it as a divided city. Jerusalem experiences a hot-summer Mediterranean climate with January as the coldest month and July and August as the hottest months. [346], At the end of 2008, the population of East Jerusalem was 456,300, comprising 60% of Jerusalem's residents. Both Israel and the Palestinian Authority claim Jerusalem as their capital, as Israel maintains its primary governmental institutions there and the State of Palestine ultimately foresees it as its seat of power; however, neither claim is widely recognized internationally. [160] The conquered city would remain in Sassanid hands for some fifteen years until the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius reconquered it in 629. [136] In about 445 BCE, King Artaxerxes I of Persia issued a decree allowing the city (including its walls) to be rebuilt. They now number 31% of the population, the same percentage as the rising Haredi population. [96] Shuafat is officially described in archaeological terms as being "in the vicinity of Jerusalem". About 18 tall buildings were built at different times in the downtown area when there was no clear policy over the matter. Since the beginning of 1950, all branches of government have resided in the city except the Ministry of Defense which is in Tel Aviv. [449] The Jewish-Arab Youth Orchestra performs both European classical and Middle Eastern music. From 1229 to 1244, Jerusalem peacefully reverted to Christian control as a result of a 1229 treaty agreed between the crusading Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and al-Kamil, the Ayyubid sultan of Egypt, that ended the Sixth Crusade. Agreements for the supply of water, electricity, and the construction of a tramway system—all under concessions granted by the Ottoman authorities—had been signed by the city of Jerusalem and a Greek citizen, Euripides Mavromatis, on 27 January 1914. According to a report by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), 78% of Arabs in Jerusalem lived in poverty in 2012, up from 64% in 2006. From the establishment of the municipality of Jerusalem in 1863, and until 1948, all the mayors of the city were Palestinian. You can find Jerusalem in the center of Israel, which is in the Middle East, right at the eastern end of the Mediterranean sea. Following the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel extended its jurisdiction and administration over East Jerusalem, establishing new municipal borders. [197] In the countrywide Peasants' Revolt, Qasim al-Ahmad led his forces from Nablus and attacked Jerusalem, aided by the Abu Ghosh clan, and entered the city on 31 May 1834. In Sunni Islam, Jerusalem is the third-holiest city, after Mecca and Medina. [416] New York Bard College and Al-Quds University agreed to open a joint college in a building originally built to house the Palestinian Legislative Council and Yasser Arafat's office. [441] The Edward Said National Conservatory of Music sponsors the Palestine Youth Orchestra[442] "Ever since King David made Jerusalem the capital of Israel 3,000 years ago, the city has played a central role in Jewish existence." [199] According to the Prussian consul, the population in 1845 was 16,410, with 7,120 Jews, 5,000 Muslims, 3,390 Christians, 800 Turkish soldiers and 100 Europeans. "[138] The Tomb of Abba, also located north of the Old City, bears an Aramaic inscription with Paleo-Hebrew letters reading: "I, Abba, son of the priest Eleaz(ar), son of Aaron the high (priest), Abba, the oppressed and the persecuted, who was born in Jerusalem, and went into exile into Babylonia and brought (back to Jerusalem) Mattathi(ah), son of Jud(ah), and buried him in a cave which I bought by deed. [285] A resolution condemning the US decision was supported by all the 14 other members of the UN Security Council, but was vetoed by the US on 18 December 2017,[286] and a subsequent resolution condemning the US decision was passed in the United Nations General Assembly. During the Israelite period, significant construction activity in Jerusalem began in the 9th century BCE (Iron Age II), and in the 8th century the city developed into the religious and administrative center of the Kingdom of Judah. Jerusalem has been sacred to Judaism for roughly 3000 years, to Christianity for around 2000 years, and to Islam for approximately 1400 years. In a phenomenon seen rarely around the world, the percentage of Jewish men who work, 47%, is exceeded by the percentage of Jewish women who work, 50%. [403], Jerusalem is served by Ben Gurion Airport, some 50 kilometres (31 miles) northwest of the Jerusalem, on the route to Tel Aviv. [citation needed] It describes itself as the "only Arab university in Jerusalem". [37][38] As a result, despite having an area of only 0.9 square kilometres (0.35 sq mi),[39] the Old City is home to many sites of seminal religious importance, among them the Temple Mount with its Western Wall, Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. [200], In the 1860s, new neighborhoods began to develop outside the Old City walls to house pilgrims and relieve the intense overcrowding and poor sanitation inside the city. [51], The name "Jerusalem" is variously etymologized to mean "foundation (Semitic yry' 'to found, to lay a cornerstone') of the god Shalem";[52][53] the god Shalem was thus the original tutelary deity of the Bronze Age city. Golden 5. [181] Under the terms of surrender, once ransomed, 60,000 Franks were expelled. After hand-to-hand fighting between Israeli and Jordanian soldiers on the Temple Mount, the Israel Defense Forces captured East Jerusalem, along with the entire West Bank. The former mayor of Jerusalem, Uri Lupolianski, was elected in 2003. [203], The great number of Christian orphans resulting from the 1860 civil war in Mount Lebanon and the Damascus massacre led in the same year to the opening of the German Protestant Syrian Orphanage, better known as the Schneller Orphanage after its founder. [204] Until the 1880s there were no formal Jewish orphanages in Jerusalem, as families generally took care of each other. [213] However, this plan was not implemented, as the 1948 war erupted, while the British withdrew from Palestine and Israel declared its independence. [103] Some call the site of this first settlement, the Ophel ridge. [103][15] There, the Gihon Spring attracted shepherds who camped near the water between 6 and 7000 years ago, leaving behind ceramics and flint artifacts[15] during the Chalcolithic, or Copper Age (c. 4500–3500 BCE). In 1998, the Jerusalem Development Authority proposed expanding city limits to the west to include more areas heavily populated with Jews. This correlates with the high number of children in Haredi families. Today, this valley is hidden by debris that has accumulated over the centuries. The Dead Sea scrolls, discovered in the mid-20th century in the Qumran Caves near the Dead Sea, are housed in the Museum's Shrine of the Book. Many people are asking where is Jerusalem. [223] Some scholars argue that the view that Pakistan recognized Jordan's annexation is dubious. Mount Herzl, at the western side of the city near the Jerusalem Forest, serves as the national cemetery of Israel. [229][230] The Western Wall was transformed into an exclusively Muslim holy site associated with al-Buraq. [246] Israeli Agriculture Minister Ariel Sharon proposed building a ring of Jewish neighborhoods around the city's eastern edges. Jerusalem is the state broadcasting center of Israel. Founded in 1925, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has been ranked among the top 100 schools in the world. What is the Difference Between the Vatican City and the Holy See. [97], Shuafat has an intermittent settlement history, in part from periods other than Jerusalem's, with 7,000-year-old architectural findings from the Chalcolithic,[98] then from the Second Temple period (2nd–1st century BCE, a fortified agricultural settlement)[99][100][101] and the short period between the end of the First Jewish–Roman War (66–70) and the Bar Kokhba revolt (132–135), being re-inhabited on a smaller scale during the 2nd–4th centuries CE. In 1244, Jerusalem was sacked by the Khwarezmian Tatars, who decimated the city's Christian population and drove out the Jews. In addition, Haredi Jews comprise 30% of the city's adult Jewish population. The longest-serving Jerusalem mayor was Teddy Kollek, who spent 28 years—-six consecutive terms-—in office. In East Jerusalem, 52% of the land is excluded from development, 35% designated for Jewish settlements, and 13% for Palestinian use, almost all of which is already built on. [171] Christian-Arab tradition records that, when led to pray at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, one of the holiest sites for Christians, the caliph Umar refused to pray in the church so that Muslims would not request conversion of the church to a mosque. The two most popular sports are football (soccer) and basketball. Cheshin, Amir S.; Bill Hutman and Avi Melamed (1999). A team of experts assembled by the then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak in 2000 concluded that the city must be divided, since Israel had failed to achieve any of its national aims there. Due to its proximity to the city, especially the Temple Mount, Abu Dis, a Palestinian suburb of Jerusalem, has been proposed as the future capital of a Palestinian state by Israel. Status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem", "Corridors of Power: A tale of two councils", "Moshe Lion elected Jerusalem Mayor in dramatic finish", "Jerusalem Becomes A Battleground Over Gay Rights Vs. To Mount Zion at a site called the `` complete and United '' capital Judah! And 2 % Christian valleys intersect in an area just south of city... 314 ] East of the region vied for control of 12 of 's! 485 BCE Jerusalem was surrounded by valleys and dry riverbeds ( wadis ) from Jordan during the Jordanian.... Students in Hebrew-language schools during the British had to deal with a Jewish King... 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